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a ward of the golden gate-第4部分

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political caucus; perhaps we'd better return to the Ladies'
Boudoir; unless there's a committee sitting there too。〃

〃I know how valuable your time must be; as you are all business
men;〃 said Hathaway; turning to his party; in an equally audible
tone; 〃but before you go; gentlemen; you must let me offer you a
little refreshment in a private room;〃 and he moved naturally
towards the door。  The rival fair; who had already risen at their
commander's suggestion; here paused awkwardly over an embarrassing
victory。  Should they go or stay?  The object of their devotion;
however; turned curiously towards Hathaway。  For an instant their
eyes met。  The young girl turned carelessly to her companions and
said; 〃No; stay hereit's the public parlor;〃 and her followers;
evidently accustomed to her authority; sat down again。

〃A galaxy of young ladies from the Convent of Santa Clara; Mr。
Hathaway;〃 explained Captain Stidger; naively oblivious of any
discourtesy on their part; as he followed Hathaway's glance and
took his arm as they moved away。  〃Not the least of our treasures;
sir。  Most of them daughters of pioneersand all Californian bred
and educated。  Connoisseurs have awarded them the palm; and declare
that for Grace; Intelligence; and Woman's Highest Charms the East
cannot furnish their equal!〃  Having delivered this Parthian
compliment in an oratorical passage through the doorway; the
captain descended; outside; into familiar speech。  〃But I suppose
you will find that out for yourself if you stay here long。  San
Francisco might furnish a fitting bride to California's youngest

〃I am afraid that my stay here must be brief; and limited to
business;〃 said Hathaway; who had merely noticed that the principal
girl was handsome and original…looking。  〃In fact; I am here partly
to see an old acquaintanceColonel Pendleton。〃

The three men looked at each other curiously。  〃Oh! Harry
Pendleton;〃 said Mr。 Hoskins; incredulously 〃You don't know HIM?〃

〃An old pioneerof course;〃 interposed Shear; explanatorily and
apologetically。  〃Why; in Paul's time the colonel was a big man

〃I understand the colonel has been unfortunate;〃 said Hathaway;
gravely; 〃but in MY time he was President of the El Dorado Bank。〃

〃And the bank hasn't got through its settlement yet;〃 said Hoskins
〃I hope YOU ain't expecting to get anything out of it?〃

〃No;〃 said Hathaway; smiling; 〃I was a boy at that time; and lived
up to my salary。  I know nothing of his bank difficulties; but it
always struck me that Colonel Pendleton was himself an honorable

〃It ain't that;〃 said Captain Stidger energetically; 〃but the
trouble with Harry Pendleton is that he hasn't grown with the
State; and never adjusted himself to it。  And he won't。  He thinks
the Millennium was between the fall of '49 and the spring of '50;
and after that everything dropped。  He belongs to the old days;
when a man's simple WORD was good for any amount if you knew him;
and they say that the old bank hadn't a scrap of paper for half
that was owing to it。  That was all very well; sir; in '49 and '50;
andLuck; but it won't do for '59 and '60; andBusiness!  And the
old man can't see it。〃

〃But he is ready to fight for it now; as in the old time;〃 said Mr。
Slate; 〃and that's another trouble with his chronology。  He's done
more to keep up dueling than any other man in the State; and don't
know the whole spirit of progress and civilization is against it。〃

It was impossible to tell from Paul Hathaway's face whether his
sympathy with Colonel Pendleton's foibles or his assent to the
criticisms of his visitors was the truer。  Both were no doubt
equally sincere。  But the party was presently engaged in the
absorption of refreshment; which; being of a purely; spirituous and
exhilarating quality; tended to increase their good humor with the
host till they parted。  Even then a gratuitous advertisement of his
virtues and their own intentions in calling upon him was
oratorically voiced from available platforms and landings; in the
halls and stairways; until it was pretty well known throughout the
Golden Gate Hotel that the Hon。 Mr。 Paul Hathaway had arrived from
Sacramento and had received a 〃spontaneous ovation。〃

Meantime the object of it had dropped into an easy…chair by the
window of his room; and was endeavoring to recall a less profitable
memory。  The process of human forgetfulness is not a difficult one
between the ages of eighteen and twenty…six; and Paul Hathaway had
not only fulfilled the Mayor's request by forgetting the
particulars of a certain transfer that he had witnessed in the
Mayor's office; but in the year succeeding that request; being
about to try his fortunes in the mountains; he had formally
constituted Colonel Pendleton to act as his proxy in the
administration of Mrs。 Howard's singular Trust; in which; however;
he had never participated except yearly to sign his name。  He was;
consequently; somewhat astonished to have received a letter a few
days before from Colonel Pendleton; asking him to call and see him
regarding it。

He vaguely remembered that it was eight years ago; and eight years
had worked considerable change in the original trustees; greatest
of all in his superior officer; the Mayor; who had died the year
following; leaving his trusteeship to his successor in office; whom
Paul Hathaway had never seen。  The Bank of El Dorado; despite Mrs。
Howard's sanguine belief; had long been in bankruptcy; and;
although Colonel Pendleton still survived it; it was certain that
no other president would succeed to his office as trustee; and that
the function would lapse with him。  Paul himself; a soldier of
fortune; although habitually lucky; had only lately succeeded to a
professionif his political functions could be so described。  Even
with his luck; energy; and ambition; while everything was possible;
nothing was secure。  It seemed; therefore; as if the soulless
official must eventually assume the duties of the two sympathizing
friends who had originated them; and had stood in loco parentis to
the constructive orphan。  The mother; Mrs。 Howard; had disappeared
a year after the Trust had been madeit was charitably presumed in
order to prevent any complications that might arise from her
presence in the country。  With these facts before him; Paul
Hathaway was more concerned in wondering what Pendleton could want
with him than; I fear; any direct sympathy with the situation。  On
the contrary; it appeared to him more favorable for keeping the
secret of Mrs。 Howard's relationship; which would now die with
Colonel Pendleton and himself; and there was no danger of any
emotional betrayal of it in the cold official administration of a
man who had received the Trust through the formal hands of
successive predecessors。  He had forgotten the time limited for the
guardianship; but the girl must soon be of age and off their hands。
If there had ever been any romantic or chivalrous impression left
upon his memory by the scene in the mayor's office; I fear he had
put it away with various other foolish illusions of his youth; to
which he now believed he was superior。

Nevertheless; he would see the colonel; and at once; and settle the
question。  He looked at the address; 〃St。 Charles Hotel。〃  He
remembered an old hostelry of that name; near the Plaza。  Could it
be possible that it had survived the alterations and improvements
of the city?  It was an easy walk through remembered streets; yet
with changed shops and houses and faces。  When he reached the
Plaza; scarce recognizable in its later frontages of brick and
stone; he found the old wooden building still intact; with its
villa…like galleries and verandas incongruously and ostentatiously
overlooked by two new and aspiring erections on either side。  For
an instant he tried to recall the glamour of old days。  He
remembered when his boyish eyes regarded it as the crowning work of
opulence and distinction; he remembered a ball given there on some
public occasion; which was to him the acme of social brilliancy and
display。  How tawdry and trivial it looked beside those later and
more solid structures!  How inconsistent were those long latticed
verandas and balconies; pathetic record of that first illusion of
the pioneers that their climate was a tropical one!  A restaurant
and billiard…saloon had aggrandized all of the lower story; but
there was still the fanlight; over which the remembered title of
〃St。 Charles;〃 in gilded letters; was now reinforced by the too
demonstrative legend; 〃Apartments and Board; by the Day or Week。〃
Was it possible that this narrow; creaking staircase had once
seemed to him the broad steps of Fame and Fortune?  On the first
landing; a preoccupied Irish servant…girl; with a mop; directed him
to a door at the end of the passage; at which he knocked。  The door
was opened by a grizzled negro servant; who was still holding a
piece of oily chamois…leather in his hand; and the contents of a
dueling…case; scattered upon a table in the centre of the room;
showed what had been his occupation。  Admitting Hathaway with great
courtesy; he said:

〃Marse Harry bin havin' his ole trubble; sah; and bin
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