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                        THE EDUCATION OF CYRUS



                            Translated By
                         Henry Graham Dakyns

                              Revised By
                            F。 M。 Stawell


                          To Clifton College


A very few words may suffice by way of introduction to this
translation of the Cyropaedia。

Professor Jowett; whose Plato represents the high…water mark of
classical translation; has given us the following reminders: 〃An
English translation ought to be idiomatic and interesting; not only to
the scholar; but also to the unlearned reader。 It should read as an
original work; and should also be the most faithful transcript which
can be made of the language from which the translation is taken;
consistently with the first requirement of all; that it be English。
The excellence of a translation will consist; not merely in the
faithful rendering of words; or in the composition of a sentence only;
or yet of a single paragraph; but in the colour and style of the whole

These tests may be safely applied to the work of Mr。 Dakyns。 An
accomplished Greek scholar; for many years a careful and sympathetic
student of Xenophon; and possessing a rare mastery of English idiom;
he was unusually well equipped for the work of a translator。 And his
version will; as I venture to think; be found to satisfy those
requirements of an effective translation which Professor Jowett laid
down。 It is faithful to the tone and spirit of the original; and it
has the literary quality of a good piece of original English writing。
For these and other reasons it should prove attractive and interesting
reading for the average Englishman。

Xenophon; it must be admitted; is not; like Plato; Thucydides; or
Demosthenes; one of the greatest of Greek writers; but there are
several considerations which should commend him to the general reader。
He is more representative of the type of man whom the ordinary
Englishman specially admires and respects; than any other of the Greek
authors usually read。

An Athenian of good social position; endowed with a gift of eloquence
and of literary style; a pupil of Socrates; a distinguished soldier;
an historian; an essayist; a sportsman; and a lover of the country; he
represents a type of country gentleman greatly honoured in English
life; and this should ensure a favourable reception for one of his
chief works admirably rendered into idiomatic English。 And the
substance of the /Cyropaedia/; which is in fact a political romance;
describing the education of the ideal ruler; trained to rule as a
benevolent despot over his admiring and willing subjects; should add a
further element of enjoyment for the reader of this famous book in its
English garb。

                                                          J。 HEREFORD。

                            EDITOR'S NOTE

In preparing this work for the press; I came upon some notes made by
Mr。 Dakyns on the margin of his Xenophon。 These were evidently for his
own private use; and are full of scholarly colloquialisms; impromptu
words humorously invented for the need of the moment; and individual
turns of phrase; such as the references to himself under his initials
in small letters; 〃hgd。〃 Though plainly not intended for publication;
the notes are so vivid and illuminating as they stand that I have
shrunk from putting them into a more formal dress; believing that
here; as in the best letters; the personal element is bound up with
what is most fresh and living in the comment; most characteristic of
the writer; and most delightful both to those who knew him and to
those who will wish they had。 I have; therefore; only altered a word
here and there; and added a note or two of my own (always in square
brackets); where it seemed necessary for the sake of clearness。

                                                              F。 M。 S。


                        THE EDUCATION OF CYRUS

                                BOOK I

'C。1' We have had occasion before now to reflect how often democracies
have been overthrown by the desire for some other type of government;
how often monarchies and oligarchies have been swept away by movements
of the people; how often would…be despots have fallen in their turn;
some at the outset by one stroke; while whose who have maintained
their rule for ever so brief a season are looked upon with wonder as
marvels of sagacity and success。

The same lesson; we had little doubt; was to be learnt from the
family: the household might be great or smalleven the master of few
could hardly count on the obedience of his little flock。 '2' And so;
one idea leading to another; we came to shape our reflexions thus:
Drovers may certainly be called the rulers of their cattle and horse…
breeders the rulers of their studsall herdsmen; in short; may
reasonably be considered the governors of the animals they guard。 If;
then; we were to believe the evidence of our senses; was it not
obvious that flocks and herds were more ready to obey their keepers
than men their rulers? Watch the cattle wending their way wherever
their herdsmen guide them; see them grazing in the pastures where they
are sent and abstaining from forbidden grounds; the fruit of their own
bodies they yield to their master to use as he thinks best; nor have
we ever seen one flock among them all combining against their
guardian; either to disobey him or to refuse him the absolute control
of their produce。 On the contrary; they are more apt to show hostility
against other animals than against the owner who derives advantage
from them。 But with man the rule is converse; men unite against none
so readily as against those whom they see attempting to rule over
them。 '3' As long; therefore; as we followed these reflexions; we
could not but conclude that man is by nature fitted to govern all
creatures; except his fellow…man。 But when we came to realise the
character of Cyrus the Persian; we were led to a change of mind: here
is a man; we said; who won for himself obedience from thousands of his
fellows; from cities and tribes innumerable: we must ask ourselves
whether the government of men is after all an impossible or even a
difficult task; provided one set about it in the right way。 Cyrus; we
know; found the readiest obedience in his subjects; though some of
them dwelt at a distance which it would take days and months to
traverse; and among them were men who had never set eyes on him; and
for the matter of that could never hope to do so; and yet they were
willing to obey him。 '4' Cyrus did indeed eclipse all other monarchs;
before or since; and I include not only those who have inherited their
power; but those who have won empire by their own exertions。 How far
he surpassed them all may be felt if we remember that no Scythian;
although the Scythians are reckoned by their myriads; has ever
succeeded in dominating a foreign nation; indeed the Scythian would be
well content could he but keep his government unbroken over his own
tribe and people。 The same is true of the Thracians and the Illyrians;
and indeed of all other nations within our ken; in Europe; at any
rate; their condition is even now one of independence; and of such
separation as would seem to be permanent。 Now this was the state in
which Cyrus found the tribes and peoples of Asia when; at the head of
a small Persian force; he started on his career。 The Medes and the
Hyrcanians accepted his leadership willingly; but it was through
conquest that he won Syria; Assyria; Arabia; Cappadocia; the two
Phrygias; Lydia; Caria; Phoenicia; and Babylonia。 Then he established
his rule over the Bactrians; Indians; and Cilicians; over the Sakians;
Paphlagonians; and Magadidians; over a host of other tribes the very
names of which defy the memory of the chronicler; and last of all he
brought the Hellenes in Asia beneath his sway; and by a descent on the
seaboard Cyprus and Egypt also。

'5' It is obvious that among this congeries of nations few; if any;
could have spoken the same language as himself; or understood one
another; but none the less Cyrus was able so to penetrate that vast
extent of country by the sheer terror of his personality that the
inhabitants were prostrate before him: not one of them dared lift hand
against him。 And yet he was able; at the same time; to inspire them
all with so deep a desire to please him and win his favour that all
they asked was to be guided by his judgment and his alone。 Thus he
knit to himself a complex of nationalities so vast that it would have
taxed a man's endurance merely to traverse his empire in any one
direction; east or west or south or north; from the palace which was
its centre。 For ourselves; considering his title to our admiration
proved; we set ourselves to inquire what his parentage might have been
and his natural parts; and how he was trained and brought up
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