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the cleveland era-第22部分

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s imported from any country imposing on American goods duties; which; in the opinion of the President; were 〃reciprocally unequal and unreasonable。〃 This more equitable result is to be ascribed wholly to Blaine's energetic and capable leadership。

Pending the passage of the Tariff Bill; the Senate had been wrestling with the trust problem which was making a mockery of a favorite theory of the Republicans。 They had held that tariff protection benefited the consumer by the stimulus which it gave to home production and by ensuring a supply of articles on as cheap terms as American labor could afford。 There were; however; notorious facts showing that certain corporations had taken advantage of the situation to impose high prices; especially upon the American consumer。 It was a campaign taunt that the tariff held the people down while the trusts went through their pockets; and to this charge the Republicans found it difficult to make a satisfactory reply。

The existence of such economic injustice was continually urged in support of popular demands for the control of corporations by the Government。 Though the Republican leaders were much averse to providing such control; they found inaction so dangerous that on January 14; 1890; Senator John Sherman reported from the Finance Committee a vague but peremptory statute to make trade competition compulsory。 This was the origin of the AntiTrust Law which has since gone by his name; although the law actually passed was framed by the Senate judiciary committee。 The first section declared that 〃every contract; combination in the form of trust or otherwise; or conspiracy; in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States; or with foreign nations; is hereby declared to be illegal。〃 The law made no attempt to define the offenses it penalized and created no machinery for enforcing its provisions; but it gave jurisdiction over alleged violations to the courtsa favorite congressional mode of getting rid of troublesome responsibilities。 As a result; the courts have been struggling with the application of the law ever since; without being able to develop a clear or consistent rule for discriminating between legal and illegal combinations in trade and commerce。 Even upon the financial question; the Republicans succeeded in maintaining party harmony; notwithstanding a sharp conflict between factions。 William Windom; the Secretary of the Treasury; had prepared a bill of the type known as a 〃straddle。〃 It offered the advocates of free coinage the right to send to the mint silver bullion in any quantity and to receive in return the net market value of the bullion in treasury notes redeemable in gold or silver coin at the option of the Government。 The monthly purchase of not less than 2;000;000 worth of bullion was; however; no longer to be required by law。 When the advocates of silver insisted that the provision for bullion purchase was too vague; a substitute was prepared which definitely required the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase 4;500;000 ounces of silver bullion in one month。 The bill; as thus amended; was put through the House under special rule by a strict party vote。 But when the bill reached the Senate; the former party agreement could no longer be maintained; and the Republican leaders lost control of the situation。 The free silver Republicans combined with most of the Democrats to substitute a free coinage bill; which passed the Senate by forty…three yeas to twenty…four nays; all the negative votes save three coming from the Republican side。

It took all the influence the party leaders could exert to prevent a silver stampede in the House when the Senate substitute bill was brought forward; but by dexterous management; a vote of non…concurrence was passed and a committee of conference was appointed。 The Republican leaders now found themselves in a situation in which presidential non…interference ceased to be desirable; but president Harrison could not be stirred to action。 He would not even state his views。 As Senator Sherman remarked in his 〃Recollections;〃 〃The situation at that time was critical。 A large majority of the Senate favored free silver; and it was feared that the small majority against it in the other House might yield and agree to it。 The silence of the President on the matter gave rise to an apprehension that if a free coinage bill should pass both Houses; he would not feel at liberty to veto it。〃

In this emergency; the Republican leaders appealed to their free silver party associates to be content with compelling the Treasury to purchase 4;500;000 ounces of silver per month; which it was wrongly calculated would cover the entire output of American mines。 The force of party discipline eventually prevailed; and the Republican party got together on this compromise。 The bill was adopted in both Houses by a strict party vote; with the Democrats solidly opposed; and was finally enacted on July 14; 1890。

Thus by relying upon political tactics; the managers of the Republican party were able to reconcile conflicting interests; maintain party harmony; and present a record of achievement which they hoped to make available in the fall elections。 But while they had placated the party factions; they had done nothing to satisfy the people as a whole or to redress their grievances。 The slowness of congressional procedure in matters of legislative reform allowed the amplest opportunity to unscrupulous business men to engage; in the meantime; in profiteering at the public expense。 They were able to lay in stocks of goods at the old rates so that an increase of customs rates; for example; became an enormous tax upon consumers without a corresponding gain to the Treasury; for the yield was largely intercepted on private accounts by an advance in prices。 The Tariff Bill; which William McKinley reported on April 16; 1890; became law only on the 1st of October; so there were over five months during which profiteers could stock at old rates for sales at the new rates and thus reap a rich harvest。 The public; however; was infuriated; and popular sentiment was so stirred by the methods of retail trade that the politicians were both angered and dismayed。 Whenever purchasers complained of an increase of price; they received the apparently plausible explanation; 〃Oh; the McKinley Bill did it。〃 To silence this popular discontent; the customary arts and cajoleries of the politicians proved for once quite ineffectual。

At the next election; the Republicans carried only eighty…eight seats in the House out of 332the most crushing defeat they had yet sustained。 By their new lease of power in the House; however; the Democratic party could not accomplish any legislation; as the Republicans still controlled the Senate。 The Democratic leaders; therefore; adopted the policy of passing a series of bills attacking the tariff at what were supposed to be particularly vulnerable points。 These measures; the Republicans derided as 〃pop…gun bills;〃 and in the Senate they turned them over to the committee on finance for burial。 Both parties were rent by the silver issue; but it was noticeable that in the House which was closest to the people the opposition to the silver movement was stronger and more effective than in the Senate。

Notwithstanding the popular revolt against the Republican policy which was disclosed by the fall elections of 1890; President Harrison's annual message of December 9; 1891; was marked by extreme complacency。 Great things; he assured the people; were being accomplished under his administration。 The results of the McKinley Bill 〃have disappointed the evil prophecies of its opponents and in large measure realized the hopeful predictions of its friends。〃 Rarely had the country been so prosperous。 The foreign commerce of the United States had reached the largest total in the history of the country。 The prophecies made by the antisilver men regarding disasters to result from the Silver Bullion Purchase Act; had not been realized。 The President remarked 〃that the increased volume of currency thus supplied for the use of the people was needed and that beneficial results upon trade and prices have followed this legislation I think must be clear to every one。〃 He held that the free coinage of silver would be disastrous; as it would contract the currency by the withdrawal of gold; whereas 〃the business of the world requires the use of both metals。〃 While 〃the producers of silver are entitled to just consideration;〃 it should be remembered that 〃bimetallism is the desired end; and the true friends of silver will be careful not to overrun the goal。〃 In conclusion; the President expressed his great joy over 〃many evidences of the increased unification of the people and of the revived national spirit。 The vista that now opens to us is wider and more glorious than before。 Gratification and amazement struggle for supremacy as we contemplate the population; wealth; and moral strength of our country。〃

Though the course of events has yet to be fully explained; President Harrison's dull pomposity may have been the underlying reason of the aversion which Blaine now began to manifest。 Although on Harrison's side and against Blaine; Senator Cullom remarks in his memoirs that Harrison had 〃a very co
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