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the cleveland era-第29部分

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* Under Section IV of the Anti…Trust Law of 1890。

Public approval of the energy and decision which President Cleveland displayed in handling the situation was so strong and general that it momentarily quelled the factional spirit in Congress。 Judge Thomas M。 Cooley; then; probably the most eminent authority on constitutional law; wrote a letter expressing 〃unqualified satisfaction with every step〃 taken by the President 〃in vindication of the national authority。〃 Both the Senate end the House adopted resolutions endorsing the prompt and vigorous measures of the Administration。 The newspapers; too; joined in the chorus of approval。 A newspaper ditty which was widely circulated and was read by the President with pleasure and amusement ended a string of verses with the lines:

The railroad strike played merry hob; The land was set aflame; Could Grover order out the troops To block the striker's game? One Altgeld yelled excitedly; 〃Such tactics I forbid; You can't trot out those soldiers;〃 yet That's just what Grover did。

In after years when people talk Of present stirring times; And of the action needful to Sit down on public crimes; They'll all of them acknowledge then (The fact cannot be hid) That whatever was the best to do Is just what Grover did。

This brief period of acclamation was; however; only a gleam of sunshine through the clouds before the night set in with utter darkness。 Relations between President Cleveland and his party in the Senate had long been disturbed by his refusal to submit to the Senate rule that nominations to office should be subject to the approval of the Senators from the State to which the nominees belonged。 On January 15; 1894; eleven Democrats voted with Senator David B。 Hill to defeat a New York nominee for justice of the Supreme Court。 President Cleveland then nominated another New York jurist against whom no objection could be urged regarding reputation or experience; but as this candidate was not Senator Hill's choice; the nomination was rejected; fourteen Democrats voting with him against it。 President Cleveland now availed himself of a common Senate practice to discomfit Senator Hill。 He nominated Senator White of Louisiana; who was immediately confirmed as is the custom of the Senate when one of its own members is nominated to office。 Senator Hill was thus left with the doubtful credit of having prevented the appointment of a New Yorker to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court。 But this incident did not seriously affect his control of the Democratic party organization in New York。 His adherents extolled him as a New York candidate for the Presidency who would restore and maintain the regular party system without which; it was contended; no administration could be successful in framing and carrying out a definite policy。 Hill's action; in again presenting himself as a candidate for Governor in the fall of 1894; is intelligible only in the light of this ambition。 He had already served two terms as Governor and was now only midway in his senatorial term; but if he again showed that he could carry New York he would have demonstrated; so it was thought; that he was the most eligible Democratic candidate for the Presidency。 But he was defeated by a plurality of about 156;000。

The fall elections of 1894; indeed; made havoc in the Democratic party。 In twenty…four States; the Democrats failed to return a single member; and in each of six others; only a single district failed to elect a Republican。 The Republican majority in the House was 140; and the Republican party also gained control of the Senate。 The Democrats who had swept the country two years before were now completely routed。

Under the peculiar American system which allows a defeated party to carry on its work for another session of Congress as if nothing had happened; the Democratic party remained in actual possession of Congress for some months but could do nothing to better its record。 The leading occupation of its members now seemed to be the advocacy of free silver and the denunciation of President Cleveland。 William J。 Bryan of Nebraska was then displaying in the House the oratorical accomplishments and dauntless energy of character which soon thereafter gained him the party leadership。 With prolific rhetoric; he likened President Cleveland to a guardian who had squandered the estate of a confiding ward and to a trainman who opened a switch and caused a wreck; and he declared that the President in trying to inoculate the Democratic party with Republican virus had poisoned its blood。

Shortly after the last Democratic Congressthe last for many yearsthe Supreme Court undid one of the few successful achievements of this party when it was in power。 The Tariff Bill contained a section imposing a tax of two per cent on incomes in excess of 4000。 A case was framed attacking the constitutionality of the tax;* the parties on both sides aiming to defeat the law and framing the issues with that purpose in view。 On April 8; 1895; the Supreme Court rendered a judgment which showed that the Court was evenly divided on some points。 A rehearing was ordered and a final decision was rendered on the 20th of May。 By a vote of five to four it was held that the income tax was a direct tax; that as such it could be imposed only by apportionment among the States according to population; and that as the law made no such provision the tax was therefore invalid。 This reversed the previous position of the Court** that an income tax was not a direct tax within the meaning of the Constitution; but that it was an excise。 This decision was the subject of much bitter comment which; however; scarcely exceeded in severity the expressions used by members of the Supreme Court who filed dissenting opinions。 Justice White was of the opinion that the effect of this judgment was 〃to overthrow a long and consistent line of decisions and to deny to the legislative department of the Government the possession of a power conceded to it by universal consensus for one hundred years。〃 Justice Harlan declared that it struck 〃at the very foundation of national authority〃 and that it gave 〃to certain kinds of property a position of favoritism and advantage inconsistent with the fundamental principles of our social organization。〃 Justice Brown hoped that 〃it may not prove the first step towards the submergence of the liberties of the people in a sordid despotism of wealth。〃 Justice Jackson said it was 〃such as no free and enlightened people can ever possibly sanction or approve。〃 The comments of law journals were also severe; and on the whole; the criticism of legal experts was more outspoken than that of the politicians。

* Pollock vs。 Farmers' Loan and Trust Company; 157 U。S。 429。

** Springer vs。 United States; 102 U。S。 586。

Public distrust of legislative procedure in the United States is so great that powers of judicial interference are valued to a degree not usual in any other country。 The Democratic platform of 1896 did not venture to go farther in the way of censure than to declare that 〃it is the duty of Congress to use all the constitutional power which remains after that decision; or which may come from its reversal by the court as it may hereafter be constituted; so that the burdens of taxation may be equally and impartially laid; to the end that wealth may bear its due proportion of the expenses of the government。〃 Even this suggestion of possible future interference with the court turned out to be a heavy party load in the campaign。

With the elimination of the income tax; the revenues of the country became insufficient to meet the demands upon the Treasury; and Carlisle was obliged to report a deficit of 42;805;223 for 1895。 The change of party control in Congress brought no relief。 The House; under the able direction of Speaker Reed; passed a bill to augment the revenue by increasing customs duties and also a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to sell bonds or issue certificates of indebtedness bearing interest at three per cent。 Both measures; however; were held up in the Senate; in which the silver faction held the balance of power。* On February 1; 1896; a free silver substitute for the House bond bill passed the Senate by a vote of forty…two to thirty…five; but the minority represented over eight million more people than the majority。 The House refused; by 215 to 90; to concur in the Senate's amendment; and the whole subject was then dropped。

* The distribution of party strength in the Senate was: Republicans; 43; Democrats; 39; Populists; 6。 Republicans made concessions to the Populists which caused them to refrain from voting when the question of organisation was pending; and the Republicans were thus able to elect the officers and rearrange the committees; which they did in such a way as to put the free silver men in control of the committee on finance。 The bills passed by the house were referred to this committee; which thereupon substituted bills providing for free coinage of silver。

President Cleveland had to carry on the battle to maintain the gold standard and to sustain the public credit without any aid from Congress。 The one thing he did accomplish by his efforts; and it was at that moment the thing of chief importan
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