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irresistible power confided to them by the sovereign。 As regards

that fragment of the primitive institution which remains in our

law; I imagine that Distress would at most have become a mere

survival; confined perhaps to the impounding of stray cattle; if

several statutory innovations had not turned it into a convenient

extra…judicial remedy for landlords; by giving the distrainor a

power of sale which in old English law was limited to a few very

special demands。 The modern theory of Distress is that a landlord

is allowed to distrain because by the nature of the case he is

always compelled to give his tenant credit; and that he can

distrain without notice because every man is supposed to know

when his rent is due。 But this theory; though it explains the

continuance of Distress to our day; does not at all fit in with

the most ancient ideas on the subject; and could not indeed be

easily made to square with the practice of distraint even at a

date so comparatively late as that at which Bracton wrote。 How

accidental is the association of Distress with the powers of

landlords may be seen from the fact that; though there are

plentiful traces of the institution in the ancient Scottish law;

the same practical results which the English system produces by

allowing landlords to distrain for rent are chiefly attained in

Scotland by applying to landlord and tenant the Romanised Law of


    The comparison of the various Teutonic bodies of law suggests

then to my mind as regards those systems; the following

conclusions respecting the historical development of the remedies

which grew out of the savage practice of violently seizing

property in redress for supposed wrong。 Two alternative

expedients were adopted by nascent law。 One of these consisted in

tolerating distraint up to a certain point; it was connived at so

far as it served to compel the submission of defendants to the

jurisdiction of Courts; but in all other cases it was treated as

wilful breach of the peace。 The other was the incorporation of

distraint with a regular procedure。 The complainant must observe

a great number of forms at his peril; but if he observes them he

can distrain in the end。 In a still more advanced condition of

legal ideas; the tribunals take the seizure of land or goods into

their own hands; using it freely to coerce defendants into

submission。 Finally; Courts of Justice resort to coercion before

judgment only on the rarest occasions; sure as they at last are

of the effectiveness of their process; and of the power which

they hold in deposit from the Sovereign Commonwealth。

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