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the spirit of the border-第10部分

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It flashed into Joe's mind that other savages were in the forest; they had run

across the Shawnees' trail; and were thus communicating with them。  Soon dark

figures could be discerned against the patches of green thicket; they came

nearer and nearer; and now entered the open glade where Silvertip stood with

his warriors。

Joe counted twelve; and noted that they differed from his captors。 He had only

time to see that this difference consisted in the head…dress; and in the color

and quantity of paint on their bodies; when his gaze was attracted and riveted

to the foremost figures。

The first was that of a very tall and stately chief; toward whom Silvertip now

advanced with every show of respect。 In this Indian's commanding stature; in

his reddish…bronze face; stern and powerful; there were readable the

characteristics of a king。 In his deep…set eyes; gleaming from under a

ponderous brow; in his mastiff…like jaw; in every feature of his haughty face

were visible all the high intelligence; the consciousness of past valor; and

the power and authority that denote a great chieftain。

The second figure was equally striking for the remarkable contrast it afforded

to the chief's。 Despite the gaudy garments; the paint; the fringed and beaded

buckskin legginsall the Indian accouterments and garments which bedecked

this person; he would have been known anywhere as a white man。 His skin was

burned to a dark bronze; but it had not the red tinge which characterizes the

Indian。 This white man had; indeed; a strange physiognomy。 The forehead was

narrow and sloped backward from the brow; denoting animal instincts。 The eyes

were close together; yellowish…brown in color; and had a peculiar vibrating

movement; as though they were hung on a pivot; like a compass…needle。 The nose

was long and hooked; and the mouth set in a thin; cruel line。 There was in the

man's aspect an extraordinary combination of ignorance; vanity; cunning and


While the two chiefs held a short consultation; this savage…appearing white

man addressed the brothers。

〃Who're you; an' where you goin'?〃 he asked gruffly; confronting Jim。

〃My name is Downs。 I am a preacher; and was on my way to the Moravian Mission

to preach to the Indians。 You are a white man; will you help us?〃

If Jim expected the information would please his interrogator; he was


〃So you're one of 'em? Yes; I'll do suthin' fer you when I git back from this

hunt。 I'll cut your heart out; chop it up; an' feed it to the buzzards;〃 he

said fiercely; concluding his threat by striking Jim a cruel blow on the head。

Joe paled deathly white at this cowardly action; and his eyes; as they met the

gaze of the ruffian; contracted with their characteristic steely glow; as if

some powerful force within the depths of his being were at white heat and only

this pale flash came to the surface。

〃You ain't a preacher?〃 questioned the man; meeting something in Joe's glance

that had been absent from Jim's。

Joe made no answer; and regarded questioner steadily。

〃Ever see me afore? Ever hear of Jim Girty?〃 he asked boastfully。

〃Before you spoke I knew you were Girty;〃 answered Joe quietly。

〃How d'you know? Ain't you afeared?〃

〃Of what?〃


Joe laughed in the renegades face。

〃How'd you knew me?〃 growled Girty。 〃I'll see thet you hev cause to remember

me after this。〃

〃I figured there was only one so…called white man in these woods who is coward

enough to strike a man whose hands are tied。〃

〃Boy; ye're too free with your tongue。 I'll shet off your wind。〃 Girty's hand

was raised; but it never reached Joe's neck。

The big Indian had an hour or more previous cut Joe's bonds; but he still

retained the thong which was left attached to Joe's left wrist。 This allowed

the young man free use of his right arm; which; badly swollen or not; he

brought into quick action。

When the renegade reached toward him Joe knocked up the hand; and; instead of

striking; he grasped the hooked nose with all the powerful grip of his

fingers。 Girty uttered a frightful curse; he writhed with pain; but could not

free himself from the vise…like clutch。 He drew his tomahawk and with a scream

aimed a vicious blow at Joe。 He missed his aim; however; for Silvertip had

intervened and turned the course of the keen hatchet。 But the weapon struck

Joe a glancing blow; inflicting a painful; though not dangerous wound。

The renegade's nose was skinned and bleeding profusely。 He was frantic with

fury; and tried to get at Joe; but Silvertip remained in front of his captive

until some of the braves led Girty into the forest; where the tall chief had

already disappeared。

The nose…pulling incident added to the gayety of the Shawnees; who evidently

were pleased with Girty's discomfiture。 They jabbered among themselves and

nodded approvingly at Joe; until a few words spoken by Silvertip produced a

sudden change。

What the words were Joe could not understand; but to him they sounded like

French。 He smiled at the absurdity of imagining he had heard a savage speak a

foreign language。 At any rate; whatever had been said was trenchant with

meaning。 The Indians changed from gay to grave; they picked up their weapons

and looked keenly on every side; the big Indian at once retied Joe; and then

all crowded round the chief。

〃Did you hear what Silvertip said; and did you notice the effect it had?〃

whispered Jim; taking advantage; of the moment。

〃It sounded like French; but of course it wasn't;〃 replied Joe。

〃It was French。 'Le Vent de la Mort。'〃

〃By Jove; that's it。 What does it mean?〃 asked Joe; who was not a scholar。

〃The Wind of Death。〃

〃That's English; but I can't apply it here。 Can you?〃

〃No doubt it is some Indian omen。〃

The hurried consultation over; Silvertip tied Joe's horse and dog to the

trees; and once more led the way; this time he avoided the open forest and

kept on low ground。 For a long time he traveled in the bed of the brook;

wading when the water was shallow; and always stepping where there was the

least possibility of leaving a footprint。 Not a word was spoken。 If either of

the brothers made the lightest splash in the water; or tumbled a stone into

the brook; the Indian behind rapped him on the head with a tomahawk handle。

At certain places; indicated by the care which Silvertip exercised in walking;

the Indian in front of the captives turned and pointed where they were to

step。 They were hiding the trail。 Silvertip hurried them over the stony

places; went more slowly through the water; and picked his way carefully over

the soft ground it became necessary to cross。 At times he stopped; remaining

motionless many seconds。

This vigilance continued all the afternoon。 The sun sank; twilight spread its

gray mantle; and soon black night enveloped the forest。 The Indians halted;

but made no fire; they sat close together on a stony ridge; silent and


Joe pondered deeply over this behavior。 Did the Shawnees fear pursuit?  What

had that Indian chief told Silvertip? To Joe it seemed that they acted as if

believing foes were on all sides。 Though they hid their tracks; it was;

apparently; not the fear of pursuit alone which made them cautious。

Joe reviewed the afternoon's march and dwelt upon the possible meaning of the

cat…like steps; the careful brushing aside of branches; the roving eyes;

suspicious and gloomy; the eager watchfulness of the advance as well as to the

ear; and always the strained effort to listen; all of which gave him the

impression of some grave; unseen danger。

And now as he lay on the hard ground; nearly exhausted by the long march and

suffering from the throbbing wound; his courage lessened somewhat; and he

shivered with dread。 The quiet and gloom of the forest; these fierce; wild

creatures; free in the heart of their own wilderness yet menaced by a foe; and

that strange French phrase which kept recurring in his mindall had the

effect of conjuring up giant shadows in Joe's fanciful mind。 During all his

life; until this moment; he had never feared anything; now he was afraid of

the darkness。 The spectral trees spread long arms overhead; and phantom forms

stalked abroad; somewhere out in that dense gloom stirred this mysterious

foethe 〃Wind of Death。〃

Nevertheless; he finally slept。 In the dull…gray light of early morning the

Indians once more took up the line of march toward the west。 They marched all

that day; and at dark halted to eat and rest。 Silvertip and another Indian

stood watch。

Some time before morning Joe suddenly awoke。 The night was dark; yet it was

lighter than when he had fallen asleep。 A pale; crescent moon shown dimly

through the murky clouds。 There was neither movement of the air nor the chirp

of an insect。 Absolute silence prevailed。

Joe saw the Indian guard leaning against a tree; asl
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