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the spirit of the border-第33部分

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whereupon he raged to and fro under the tree; cursing with foam…flecked lips;

and actually howling with baffled rage。 His fury was so great that he became

suddenly weak; and was compelled to sit down。

〃She's safe; you villainous renegade!〃 cried Joe。

〃Hush; Joe! Do not anger him。 It can do no good;〃 interposed Jim。

〃Why not? We couldn't be worse off;〃 answered Joe。

〃I'll git her; I'll git her agin;〃 panted Girty。 〃I'll keep her; an' she'll

love me。〃

The spectacle of this perverted wretch speaking as if he had been cheated out

of love was so remarkable; so pitiful; so monstrous; that for a moment Joe was


〃Bah! You white…livered murderer!〃 Joe hissed。 He well knew it was not wise to

give way to his passion; but he could not help it。 This beast in human guise;

whining for love; maddened him。 〃Any white woman on earth would die a thousand

deaths and burn for a million years afterward rather than love you!〃

〃I'll see you killed at the stake; beggin' fer mercy; an' be feed fer

buzzards;〃 croaked the renegade。

〃Then kill me now; or you may slip up on one of your cherished

buzzard…feasts;〃 cried Joe; with glinting eye and taunting voice。  〃Then go

sneaking back to your hole like a hyena; and stay there。  Wetzel is on your

trail! He missed you last night; but it was because of the girl。 He's after

you; Girty; he'll get you one of these days; and when he doesMy God!…〃

Nothing could be more revolting than that swarthy; evil face turned pale with

fear。 Girty's visage was a ghastly; livid white。 So earnest; so intense was

Joe's voice; that it seemed to all as if Wetzel was about to dart into the

glade; with his avenging tomahawk uplifted to wreak an awful vengeance on the

abductor。 The renegade's white; craven heart contained no such thing as

courage。 If he ever fought it was like a wolf; backed by numbers。 The

resemblance ceased here; for even a cornered wolf will show his teeth; and

Girty; driven to bay; would have cringed and cowered。 Even now at the mention

of Wetzel's enmity he trembled。

〃I'll shet yer wind;〃 he cried; catching up his tomahawk and making for Joe。

Silvertip intervened; and prevented the assault。 He led Girty back to his seat

and spoke low; evidently trying to soothe the renegade's feelings。

〃Silvertip; give me a tomahawk; and let me fight him;〃 implored Joe。

〃Paleface bravelike Injun chief。 Paleface Shawnee's prisonerno speak

more;〃 answered Silvertip; with respect in his voice。

〃Oh; where's Nellie?〃

A grief…stricken whisper caught Jim's ear。 He turned to see Kate's wide;

questioning eyes fixed upon him。

〃Nell was rescued。〃

〃Thank God!〃 murmured the girl。

〃Come along;〃 shouted Girty; in his harsh voice; as; grasping Kate's arm; he

pulled the girl violently to her feet。 Then; picking up his rifle; he led her

into the forest。 Silvertip followed with Joe; while the remaining Indian

guarded Jim。

The great council…lodge of the Delawares rang with savage and fiery eloquence。

Wingenund paced slowly before the orators。 Wise as he was; he wanted advice

before deciding what was to be done with the missionary。 The brothers had been

taken to the chief; who immediately called a council。 The Indians sat in a

half circle around the lodge。  The prisoners; with hands bound; guarded by two

brawny braves; stood in one corner gazing with curiosity and apprehension at

this formidable array。 Jim knew some of the braves; but the majority of those

who spoke bitterly against the palefaces had never frequented the Village of

Peace。  Nearly all were of the Wolf tribe of Delawares。 Jim whispered to Joe;

interpreting that part of the speeches bearing upon the disposal to be made of

them。 Two white men; dressed in Indian garb; held prominent positions before

Wingenund。 The boys saw a resemblance between one of these men and Jim Girty;

and accordingly concluded he was the famous renegade; or so…called white

Indian; Simon Girty。 The other man was probably Elliott; the Tory; with whom

Girty had deserted from Fort Pitt。  Jim Girty was not present。 Upon nearing

the encampment he had taken his captive and disappeared in a ravine。

Shingiss; seldom in favor of drastic measures with prisoners; eloquently urged

initiating the brothers into the tribe。 Several other chiefs were favorably

inclined; though not so positive as Shingiss。 Kotoxen was for the death

penalty; the implacable Pipe for nothing less than burning at the stake。 Not

one was for returning the missionary to his Christian Indians。 Girty and

Elliott; though requested to speak; maintained an ominous silence。

Wingenund strode with thoughtful mien before his council。 He had heard all his

wise chiefs and his fiery warriors。 Supreme was his power。 Freedom or death

for the captives awaited the wave of his hand。 His impassive face gave not the

slightest inkling of what to expect Therefore the prisoners were forced to

stand there with throbbing hearts while the chieftain waited the customary

dignified interval before addressing the council。

〃Wingenund has heard the Delaware wise men and warriors。 The white Indian

opens not his lips; his silence broods evil for the palefaces。 Pipe wants the

blood of the white men; the Shawnee chief demands the stake。 Wingenund says

free the white father who harms no Indian。 Wingenund hears no evil in the

music of his voice。 The white father's brother should die。 Kill the companion

of Deathwind!〃

A plaintive murmur; remarkable when coming from an assembly of stern…browed

chiefs; ran round the circle at the mention of the dread appellation。

〃The white father is free;〃 continued Wingenund。 〃Let one of my runners

conduct him to the Village of Peace。〃

A brave entered and touched Jim on the shoulder。

Jim shook his head and pointed to Joe。 The runner touched Joe。

〃No; no。 I am not the missionary;〃 cried Joe; staring aghast at his brother。

〃Jim; have you lost your senses?〃

Jim sadly shook his head; and turning to Wingenund made known in a broken

Indian dialect that his brother was the missionary; and would sacrifice

himself; taking this opportunity to practice the Christianity he had taught。

〃The white father is brave; but he is known;〃 broke in Wingenund's deep voice;

while he pointed to the door of the lodge。 〃Let him go back to his Christian


The Indian runner cut Joe's bonds; and once more attempted to lead him from

the lodge。 Rage and misery shown in the lad's face。 He pushed the runner

aside。 He exhausted himself trying to explain; to think of Indian words enough

to show he was not the missionary。 He even implored Girty to speak for him。

When the renegade sat there stolidly silent Joe's rage burst out。

〃Curse you all for a lot of ignorant redskins。 I am not a missionary。  I am

Deathwind's friend。 I killed a Delaware。 I was the companion of Le Vent de la


Joe's passionate vehemence; and the truth that spoke from his flashing eyes

compelled the respect; if not the absolute belief of the Indians。  The savages

slowly shook their heads。 They beheld the spectacle of two brothers; one a

friend; the other an enemy of all Indians; each willing to go to the stake; to

suffer an awful agony; for love of the other。  Chivalrous deeds always stir an

Indian's heart。 It was like a redman to die for his brother。 The indifference;

the contempt for death; won their admiration。

〃Let the white father stand forth;〃 sternly called Wingenund。

A hundred somber eyes turned on the prisoners。 Except that one wore a buckskin

coat; the other a linsey one; there was no difference。 The strong figures were

the same; the white faces alike; the stern resolve in the gray eyes

identicalthey were twin brothers。

Wingenund once more paced before his silent chiefs。 To deal rightly with this

situation perplexed him。 To kill both palefaces did not suit him。  Suddenly he

thought of a way to decide。

〃Let Wingenund's daughter come;〃 he ordered。

A slight; girlish figure entered。 It was Whispering Winds。 Her beautiful face

glowed while she listened to her father。

〃Wingenund's daughter has her mother's eyes; that were beautiful as a doe's;

keen as a hawk's; far…seeing as an eagle's。 Let the Delaware maiden show her

blood。 Let her point out the white father。〃

Shyly but unhesitatingly Whispering Winds laid her hand Jim's arm。

〃Missionary; begone!〃 came the chieftain's command。 〃Thank Wingenund's

daughter for your life; not the God of your Christians!〃

He waved his hand to the runner。 The brave grasped Jim's arm。

〃Good…by; Joe;〃 brokenly said Jim。

〃Old fellow; good…by;〃 came the answer。

They took one last; long look into each others' eyes。 Jim's glance betrayed

his fearhe would never see his brother again。 The light in Joe's eyes was

the old steely flash; the indomitable spiritwhile there was life there was


〃Let the Shawnee chief 
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