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the spirit of the border-第53部分

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again with that strange; sweet smile。

〃Oh…h…h!〃 breathed Nell; falling on her knees。

〃No; no; Mr。 Wells; you are only weak; you will be all right again soon;〃

cried Jim。

〃Jim; Nellie; I have known all night。 I have lain here wakeful。 My heart never

was strong。 It gave out yesterday; and now it is slowly growing weaker。 Put

your hand on my breast。 Feel。 Ah! you see! My life is flickering。 God's will

be done。 I am content。 My work is finished。  My only regret is that I brought

you out to this terrible borderland。  But I did not know。 If only I could see

you safe from the peril of this wilderness; at home; happy; married。〃

Nell bent over him blinded by her tears; unable to see or speak; crushed by

this last overwhelming blow。 Jim sat on the other side of the old missionary;

holding his hand。 For many moments neither spoke。 They glanced at the pale

face; watching with eager; wistful eyes for a smile; or listening for a word。

〃Come;〃 said the Indian。

Nell silently pointed toward her uncle。

〃He is dying;〃 whispered Jim to the Indian。

〃Go; leave me;〃 murmured Mr。 Wells。 〃You are still in danger。〃

〃We'll not leave you;〃 cried Jim。

〃No; no; no;〃 sobbed Nell; bending over to kiss him。

〃Nellie; may I marry you to Jim?〃 whispered Mr。 Wells into her ear。 〃He has

told me how it is with him。 He loves you; Nellie。 I'd die happier knowing I'd

left you with him。〃

Even at that moment; with her heart almost breaking; Nell's fair face flushed。

〃Nell; will you marry me?〃 asked Jim; softly。 Low though it was; he had heard

Mr。 Wells' whisper。

Nell stretched a little trembling hand over her uncle to Jim; who inclosed it

in his own。 Her eyes met his。 Through her tears shone faintly a light; which;

but for the agony that made it dim; would have beamed radiant。

〃Find the place;〃 said Mr。 Wells; handing Jim a Bible。 It was the one he

always carried in his pocket。

With trembling hand Jim turned the leaves。 At last he found the lines; and

handed the book back to the old man。

Simple; sweet and sad was that marriage service。 Nell and Jim knelt with hands

clasped over Mr。 Wells。 The old missionary's voice was faint; Nell's responses

were low; and Jim answered with deep and tender feeling。 Beside them stood

Wingenund; a dark; magnificent figure。

〃There! May God bless you!〃 murmured Mr。 Wells; with a happy smile; closing

the Bible。

〃Nell; my wife!〃 whispered Jim; kissing her hand。

〃Come!〃 broke in Wingenund's voice; deep; strong; like that of a bell。

Not one of them had observed the chief as he stood erect; motionless; poised

like a stag scenting the air。 His dark eyes seemed to pierce the purple…golden

forest; his keen ear seemed to drink in the singing of the birds and the

gentle rustling of leaves。 Native to these haunts as were the wild creatures;

they were no quicker than the Indian to feel the approach of foes。 The breeze

had borne faint; suspicious sounds。

〃KeeptheBible;〃 said Mr。 Wells; 〃rememberitsword。〃 His hand closely

clasped Nell's; and then suddenly loosened。 His pallid face was lighted by a

meaning; tender smile which slowly fadedfaded; and was gone。 The venerable

head fell back。 The old missionary was dead。

Nell kissed the pale; cold brow; and then rose; half dazed and shuddering。 

Jim was vainly trying to close the dead man's eyes。 She could no longer look。

On rising she found herself near the Indian chief。 He took her fingers in his

great hand; and held them with a strong; warm pressure。  Strangely thrilled;

she looked up at Wingenund。 His somber eyes; fixed piercingly on the forest;

and his dark stern face; were; as always; inscrutable。 No compassion shone

there; no emotion unbefitting a chieftain would ever find expression in that

cold face; but Nell felt a certain tenderness in this Indian; a response in

his great heart。 Felt it so surely; so powerfully that she leaned her head

against him。 She knew he was her friend。

〃Come;〃 said the chief once more。 He gently put Nell aside before Jim arose

from his sad task。

〃We can not leave him unburied;〃 expostulated Jim。

Wingenund dragged aside a large stone which formed one wall of the cavern。 

Then he grasped a log which was half covered by dirt; and; exerting his great

strength; pulled it from its place。 There was a crash; a rumble; the jar of a

heavy weight striking the earth; then the rattling of gravel; and; before Nell

and Jim realized what had happened; the great rock forming the roof of the

cavern slipped down the bank followed by a small avalanche。 the cavern was

completely covered。 Mr。 Wells was buried。  A mossy stone marked the old

missionary's grave。

Nell and Jim were lost in wonder and awe。

〃Ugh!〃 cried the chief; looking toward the opening in the glade。

Fearfully Nell and Jim turned; to be appalled by four naked; painted savages

standing with leveled rifles。 Behind them stood Deering and Jim Girty。

〃Oh; God! We are lost! Lost! Lost!〃 exclaimed Jim; unable to command himself。

Hope died in his heart。

No cry issued from Nell's white lips。 She was dazed by this final blow。 Having

endured so much; this last misfortune; apparently the ruin of her life;

brought no added suffering; only a strange; numb feeling。

〃Ah…huh! Thought you'd give me the slip; eh?〃 croaked Girty; striding forward;

and as he looked at Wingenund his little; yellow eyes flared like flint。 〃Does

a wolf befriend Girty's captives? Chief you hev led me a hard chase。〃

Wingenund deigned no reply。 He stood as he did so often; still and silent;

with folded arms; and a look that was haughty; unresponsive。

The Indians came forward into the glade; and one of them quickly bound Jim's

hands behind his back。 The savages wore a wild; brutish look。  A feverish

ferocity; very near akin to insanity; possessed them。  They were not quiet a

moment; but ran here and there; for no apparent reason; except; possibly; to

keep in action with the raging fire in their hearts。 The cleanliness which

characterized the normal Indian was absent in them; their scant buckskin dress

was bedraggled and stained。 They were still drunk with rum and the lust for

blood。 Murder gleamed from the glance of their eyes。

〃Jake; come over here;〃 said Girty to his renegade friend。 〃Ain't she a


Girty and Deering stood before the poor; stricken girl; and gloated over her

fair beauty。 She stood as when first transfixed by the horror from which she

had been fleeing。 Her pale face was lowered; her hands clenched tightly in the

folds of her skirt。

Never before had two such coarse; cruel fiends as Deering and Girty encumbered

the earth。 Even on the border; where the best men were bad; they were the

worst。 Deering was yet drunk; but Girty had recovered somewhat from the

effects of the rum he had absorbed。 The former rolled his big eyes and nodded

his shaggy head。 He was passing judgment; from his point of view; on the fine

points of the girl。

〃She cer'aintly is;〃 he declared with a grin。 〃She's a little beauty。  Beats

any I ever seen!〃

Jim Girty stroked his sharp chin with dirty fingers。 His yellow eyes; his

burnt saffron skin; his hooked nose; his thin lipsall his evil face seemed

to shine with an evil triumph。 to look at him was painful。 To have him gaze at

her was enough to drive any woman mad。

Dark stains spotted the bright frills of his gaudy dress; his buckskin coat

and leggins; and dotted his white eagle plumes。 Dark stains; horribly

suggestive; covered him from head to foot。 Blood stains!  The innocent blood

of Christians crimsoned his renegade's body; and every dark red blotch cried


〃Girl; I burned the Village of Peace to git you;〃 growled Girty。 〃Come here!〃

With a rude grasp that tore open her dress; exposing her beautiful white

shoulder and bosom; the ruffian pulled her toward him。 His face was transfixed

with a fierce joy; a brutal passion。

Deering looked on with a drunken grin; while his renegade friend hugged the

almost dying girl。 The Indians paced the glade with short strides like leashed

tigers。 The young missionary lay on the moss with closed eyes。 He could not

endure the sight of Nell in Girty's arms。

No one noticed Wingenund。 He stood back a little; half screened by drooping

branches。 Once again the chief's dark eyes gleamed; his head turned a trifle

aside; and; standing in the statuesque position habitual with him when

resting; he listened; as one who hears mysterious sounds。  Suddenly his keen

glance was riveted on the ferns above the low cliff。  He had seen their

graceful heads quivering。 Then two blinding sheets of flame burst from the


Spang! Spang!

The two rifle reports thundered through the glade。 Two Indians staggered and

fell in their tracksdead without a cry。

A huge yellow body; spread out like a panther in his spring; descended with a

crash upon Deering
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