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the spirit of the border-第9部分

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〃Ugh!〃 grunted the big Indian; jamming Joe with his rifle…stock。

Joe took heed to the warning and spoke no more。 He gave all his attention to

the course over which he was being taken。 Here was his first opportunity to

learn something of Indians and their woodcraft。  It occurred to him that his

captors would not have been so gay and careless had they not believed

themselves safe from pursuit; and he concluded they were leisurely conducting

him to one of the Indian towns。 He watched the supple figure before him;

wondering at the quick step; light as the fall of a leaf; and tried to walk as

softly。 He found; however; that where the Indian readily avoided the sticks

and brush; he was unable to move without snapping twigs。 Now and then he would

look up and study the lay of the land ahead; and as he came nearer to certain

rocks and trees he scrutinized them closely; in order to remember their shape

and general appearance。 He believed he was blazing out in his mind this

woodland trail; so that should fortune favor him and he contrive to escape; he

would be able to find his way back to the river。 Also; he was enjoying the

wild scenery。

This forest would have appeared beautiful; even to one indifferent to such

charms; and Joe was far from that。 Every moment he felt steal stronger over

him a subtle influence which he could not define。 Half unconsciously he tried

to analyze it; but it baffled him。 He could no more explain what fascinated

him than he could understand what caused the melancholy quiet which hung over

the glades and hollows。 He had pictured a real forest so differently from

this。 Here was a long lane paved with springy moss and fenced by bright…green

sassafras; there a secluded dale; dotted with pale…blue blossoms; over which

the giant cottonwoods leaned their heads; jealously guarding the delicate

flowers from the sun。 Beech trees; growing close in clanny groups; spread

their straight limbs gracefully; the white birches gleamed like silver

wherever a stray sunbeam stole through the foliage; and the oaks; monarchs of

the forest; rose over all; dark; rugged; and kingly。

Joe soon understood why the party traveled through such open forest。 The

chief; seeming hardly to deviate from his direct course; kept clear of broken

ground; matted thickets and tangled windfalls。 Joe got a glimpse of dark

ravines and heard the music of tumbling waters; he saw gray cliffs grown over

with vines; and full of holes and crevices; steep ridges; covered with dense

patches of briar and hazel; rising in the way。 Yet the Shawnee always found an

easy path。

The sun went down behind the foliage in the west; and shadows appeared low in

the glens; then the trees faded into an indistinct mass; a purple shade

settled down over the forest; and night brought the party to a halt。

The Indians selected a sheltered spot under the lee of a knoll; at the base of

which ran a little brook。 Here in this inclosed space were the remains of a

camp…fire。 Evidently the Indians had halted there that same day; for the logs

still smouldered。 While one brave fanned the embers; another took from a

neighboring branch a haunch of deer meat。 A blaze was soon coaxed from the

dull coals; more fuel was added; and presently a cheerful fire shone on the

circle of dusky forms。

It was a picture which Joe had seen in many a boyish dream; now that he was a

part of it he did not dwell on the hopelessness of the situation; nor of the

hostile chief whose enmity he had incurred。 Almost; it seemed; he was glad of

this chance to watch the Indians and listen to them。 He had been kept apart

from Jim; and it appeared to Joe that their captors treated his brother with a

contempt which they did not show him。 Silvertip had; no doubt; informed them

that Jim had been on his way to teach the Indians of the white man's God。

Jim sat with drooping head; his face was sad; and evidently he took the most

disheartening view of his capture。 When he had eaten the slice of venison

given him he lay down with his back to the fire。

Silvertip; in these surroundings; showed his real character。 He had appeared

friendly in the settlement; but now he was the relentless savage; a son of the

wilds; free as an eagle。 His dignity as a chief kept him aloof from his

braves。 He had taken no notice of the prisoners since the capture。 He remained

silent; steadily regarding the fire with his somber eyes。 At length; glancing

at the big Indian; he motioned toward the prisoners and with a single word

stretched himself on the leaves。

Joe noted the same changelessness of expression in the other dark faces as he

had seen in Silvertip's。 It struck him forcibly。 When they spoke in their

soft; guttural tones; or burst into a low; not unmusical laughter; or sat

gazing stolidly into the fire; their faces seemed always the same;

inscrutable; like the depths of the forest now hidden in night。 One thing Joe

felt rather than sawthese savages were fierce and untamable。 He was sorry

for Jim; because; as he believed; it would be as easy to teach the panther

gentleness toward his prey as to instill into one of these wild creatures a

belief in Christ。

The braves manifested keen pleasure in anticipation as to what they would get

out of the pack; which the Indian now opened。 Time and again the big brave

placed his broad hand on the shoulder of a comrade Indian and pushed him


Finally the pack was opened。 It contained a few articles of wearing apparel; a

pair of boots; and a pipe and pouch of tobacco。 The big Indian kept the latter

articles; grunting with satisfaction; and threw the boots and clothes to the

others。 Immediately there was a scramble。 One brave; after a struggle with

another; got possession of both boots。 He at once slipped off his moccasins

and drew on the white man's foot…coverings。 He strutted around in them a few

moments; but his proud manner soon changed to disgust。

Cowhide had none of the soft; yielding qualities of buckskin; and hurt the

Indian's feet。 Sitting down; he pulled one off; not without difficulty; for

the boots were wet; but he could not remove the other。 He hesitated a moment;

being aware of the subdued merriment of his comrades; and then held up his

foot to the nearest one。 This chanced to be the big Indian; who evidently had

a keen sense of humor。 Taking hold of the boot with both hands; he dragged the

luckless brave entirely around the camp…fire。 The fun; however; was not to be

all one…sided。 The big Indian gave a more strenuous pull; and the boot came

off suddenly。 Unprepared for this; he lost his balance and fell down the bank

almost into the creek。 He held on to the boot; nevertheless; and getting up;

threw it into the fire。

The braves quieted down after that; and soon lapsed into slumber; leaving the

big fellow; to whom the chief had addressed his brief command; acting; as

guard。 Observing Joe watching him as he puffed on his new pipe; he grinned;

and spoke in broken English that was intelligible; and much of a surprise to

the young man。

〃Palefacetobac'heap good。〃

Then; seeing that Joe made no effort to follow his brother's initiative; for

Jim was fast asleep; he pointed to the recumbent figures and spoke again in。

〃Ugh! Paleface sleepInjun wigwamsnear setting sun。〃

On the following morning Joe was awakened by the pain in his legs; which had

been bound all night。 He was glad when the bonds were cut and the party took

up its westward march。

The Indians; though somewhat quieter; displayed the same carelessness: they

did not hurry; nor use particular caution; but selected the most open paths

through the forest。 They even halted while one of their number crept up on a

herd of browsing deer。 About noon the leader stopped to drink from a spring;

his braves followed suit and permitted the white prisoners to quench their


When they were about to start again the single note of a bird far away in the

woods sounded clearly on the quiet air。 Joe would not have given heed to it

had he been less attentive。 He instantly associated this peculiar bird…note

with the sudden stiffening of Silvertip's body and his attitude of intense

listening。 Low exclamations came from the braves as they bent to catch the

lightest sound。 Presently; above the murmur of the gentle fall of water over

the stones; rose that musical note once more。 It was made by a bird; Joe

thought; and yet; judged by the actions of the Indians; how potent with

meaning beyond that of the simple melody of the woodland songster! He turned;

half expecting to see somewhere in the tree…tops the bird which had wrought so

sudden a change in his captors。 As he did so from close at hand came the same

call; now louder; but identical with the one that had deceived him。 It was an

answering signal; and had been given by Silvertip。

It flashed into Joe's mind that other savages were in the forest; they had run

across the Shawnee
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