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a woman of thirty-第41部分

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 life; of yesterday; to…morrow; and to…day; lay in that young heart。 Moina; with better fortune; had survived four older children。 As a matter of fact; Mme。 d'Aiglemont had lost her eldest daughter; a charming girl; in a most unfortunate manner; said gossip; nobody knew exactly what became of her; and then she lost a little boy of five by a dreadful accident。

The child of her affections had; however; been spared to her; and doubtless the Marquise saw the will of Heaven in that fact; for those who had died; she kept but very shadowy recollections in some far…off corner of her heart; her memories of her dead children were like the headstones on a battlefield; you can scarcely see them for the flowers that have sprung up about them since。 Of course; if the world had chosen; it might have said some hard truths about the Marquise; might have taken her to task for shallowness and an overweening preference for one child at the expense of the rest; but the world of Paris is swept along by the full flood of new events; new ideas; and new fashions; and it was inevitable the Mme。 d'Aiglemont should be in some sort allowed to drop out of sight。 So nobody thought of blaming her for coldness or neglect which concerned no one; whereas her quick; apprehensive tenderness for Moina was found highly interesting by not a few who respected it as a sort of superstition。 Besides; the Marquise scarcely went into society at all; and the few families who knew her thought of her as a kindly; gentle; indulgent woman; wholly devoted to her family。 What but a curiosity; keen indeed; would seek to pry beneath the surface with which the world is quite satisfied? And what would we not pardon to old people; if only they will efface themselves like shadows; and consent to be regarded as memories and nothing more!

Indeed; Mme。 d'Aiglemont became a kind of example complacently held up by the younger generation to fathers of families; and frequently cited to mothers…in…law。 She had made over her property to Moina in her own lifetime; the young Countess' happiness was enough for her; she only lived in her daughter。 If some cautious old person or morose uncle here and there condemned the course with〃Perhaps Mme。 d'Aiglemont may be sorry some day that she gave up her fortune to her daughter; she may be sure of Moina; but how can she be equally sure of her son… in…law?〃these prophets were cried down on all sides; and from all sides a chorus of praise went up for Moina。

〃It ought to be said; in justice to Mme。 de Saint…Hereen; that her mother cannot feel the slightest difference;〃 remarked a young married woman。 〃Mme。 d'Aiglemont is admirably well housed。 She has a carriage at her disposal; and can go everywhere just as she used to do〃

〃Except to the Italiens;〃 remarked a low voice。 (This was an elderly parasite; one of those persons who show their independenceas they thinkby riddling their friends with epigrams。) 〃Except to the Italiens。 And if the dowager cares for anything on this earth but her daughterit is music。 Such a good performer she was in her time! But the Countess' box is always full of young butterflies; and the Countess' mother would be in the way; the young lady is talked about already as a great flirt。 So the poor mother never goes to the Italiens。〃

〃Mme。 de Saint…Hereen has delightful 'At Homes' for her mother;〃 said a rosebud。 〃All Paris goes to her salon。

〃And no one pays any attention to the Marquise;〃 returned the parasite。

〃The fact is that Mme。 d'Aiglemont is never alone;〃 remarked a coxcomb; siding with the young women。

〃In the morning;〃 the old observer continued in a discreet voice; 〃in the morning dear Moina is asleep。 At four o'clock dear Moina drives in the Bois。 In the evening dear Moina goes to a ball or to the Bouffes。 Still; it is certainly true that Mme。 d'Aiglemont has the privilege of seeing her dear daughter while she dresses; and again at dinner; if dear Moina happens to dine with her mother。 Not a week ago; sir;〃 continued the elderly person; laying his hand on the arm of the shy tutor; a new arrival in the house; 〃not a week ago; I saw the poor mother; solitary and sad; by her own fireside。'What is the matter?' I asked。 The Marquise looked up smiling; but I am quite sure that she had been crying。'I was thinking that it is a strange thing that I should be left alone when I have had five children;' she said; 'but that is our destiny! And besides; I am happy when I know that Moina is enjoying herself。'She could say that to me; for I knew her husband when he was alive。 A poor stick he was; and uncommonly lucky to have such a wife; it was certainly owing to her that he was made a peer of France; and had a place at Court under Charles X。〃

Yet such mistaken ideas get about in social gossip; and such mischief is done by it; that the historian of manners is bound to exercise his discretion; and weigh the assertions so recklessly made。 After all; who is to say that either mother or daughter was right or wrong? There is but One who can read and judge their hearts! And how often does He wreak His vengeance in the family circle; using throughout all time children as His instruments against their mothers; and fathers against their sons; raising up peoples against kings; and princes against peoples; sowing strife and division everywhere? And in the world of ideas; are not opinions and feelings expelled by new feelings and opinions; much as withered leaves are thrust forth by the young leaf… buds in the spring?all in obedience to the immutable Scheme; all to some end which God alone knows。 Yet; surely; all things proceed to Him; or rather; to Him all things return。

Such thoughts of religion; the natural thoughts of age; floated up now and again on the current of Mme。 d'Aiglemont's thoughts; they were always dimly present in her mind; but sometimes they shone out clearly; sometimes they were carried under; like flowers tossed on the vexed surface of a stormy sea。

She sat on a garden…seat; tired with walking; exhausted with much thinkingwith the long thoughts in which a whole lifetime rises up before the mind; and is spread out like a scroll before the eyes of those who feel that Death is near。

If a poet had chanced to pass along the boulevard; he would have found an interesting picture in the face of this woman; grown old before her time。 As she sat under the dotted shadow of the acacia; the shadow the acacia casts at noon; a thousand thoughts were written for all the world to see on her features; pale and cold even in the hot; bright sunlight。 There was something sadder than the sense of waning life in that expressive face; some trouble that went deeper than the weariness of experience。 It was a face of a type that fixes you in a moment among a host of characterless faces that fail to draw a second glance; a face to set you thinking。 Among a thousand pictures in a gallery; you are strongly impressed by the sublime anguish on the face of some Madonna of Murillo's; by some /Beatrice Cenci/ in which Guido's art portrays the most touching innocence against a background of horror and crime; by the awe and majesty that should encircle a king; caught once and for ever by Velasquez in the sombre face of a Philip II。; and so is it with some living human faces; they are tyrannous pictures which speak to you; submit you to searching scrutiny; and give response to your inmost thoughts; nay; there are faces that set forth a whole drama; and Mme。 d'Aiglemont's stony face was one of these awful tragedies; one of such faces as Dante Alighieri saw by thousands in his vision。

For the little season that a woman's beauty is in flower it serves her admirably well in the dissimulation to which her natural weakness and our social laws condemn her。 A young face and rich color; and eyes that glow with light; a gracious maze of such subtle; manifold lines and curves; flawless and perfectly traced; is a screen that hides everything that stirs the woman within。 A flush tells nothing; it only heightens the coloring so brilliant already; all the fires that burn within can add little light to the flame of life in eyes which only seem the brighter for the flash of a passing pain。 Nothing is so discreet as a young face; for nothing is less mobile; it has the serenity; the surface smoothness; and the freshness of a lake。 There is not character in women's faces before the age of thirty。 The painter discovers nothing there but pink and white; and the smile and expression that repeat the same thought in the same waya thought of youth and love that goes no further than youth and love。 But the face of an old woman has expressed all that lay in her nature; passion has carved lines on her features; love and wifehood and motherhood; and extremes of joy and anguish; having wrung them; and left their traces in a thousand wrinkles; all of which speak a language of their own; then it is that a woman's face becomes sublime in its horror; beautiful in its melancholy; grand in its calm。 If it is permissible to carry the strange metaphor still further; it might be said that in the dried…up lake you can see the traces of all the torrents that once poured into it and made it what it is。 An old face is nothing to the frivolous world; the frivolous world is shocked by th
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