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troilus and criseyde-第35部分

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To fecchen fyr; and rennen hoom ayeyn?  485

God helpe me so; I can not tellen whider

We mighten goon; if I shal soothly seyn;

Ther any wight is of us more fayn

Than Sarpedoun; and if we hennes hye

Thus sodeinly; I holde it vilanye。  490

‘Sin that we seyden that we wolde bleve

With him a wouke; and now; thus sodeinly;

The ferthe day to take of him oure leve;

He wolde wondren on it; trewely!

Lat us holde forth our purpos fermely;  495

And sin that ye bihighten him to byde;

Hold forward now; and after lat us ryde。'

Thus Pandarus; with alle peyne and wo;

Made him to dwelle; and at the woukes ende;

Of Sarpedoun they toke hir leve tho;  500

And on hir wey they spedden hem to wende。

Quod Troilus; ‘Now god me grace sende;

That I may finden; at myn hom…cominge;

Criseyde comen!' And ther…with gan he singe。

‘Ye; hasel…wode!' thoughte this Pandare;  505

And to him…self ful softely he seyde;

‘God woot; refreyden may this hote fare;

Er Calkas sende Troilus Criseyde!'

But natheles; he Iaped thus; and seyde;

And swor; y…wis; his herte him wel bihighte;  510

She wolde come as sone as ever she mighte。

Whan they un…to the paleys were y…comen

Of Troilus; they doun of hors alighte;

And to the chambre hir wey than han they nomen。

And in…to tyme that it gan to nighte;  515

They spaken of Crysede the brighte。

And after this; whan that hem bothe leste;

They spedde hem fro the soper un…to reste。

On morwe; as sone as day bigan to clere;

This Troilus gan of his sleep tabrayde;  520

And to Pandare; his owene brother dere;

‘For love of god;' ful pitously he seyde;

‘As go we seen the paleys of Criseyde;

For sin we yet may have namore feste;

So lat us seen hir paleys at the leste。'  525

And ther…with…al; his meyne for to blende;

A cause he fond in toune for to go;

And to Criseydes hous they gonnen wende。

But lord! This sely Troilus was wo!

Him thoughte his sorweful herte braste a…two。  530

For whan he saugh hir dores sperred alle;

Wel neigh for sorwe a…doun he gan to falle。

Therwith; whan he was war and gan biholde

How shet was every windowe of the place;

As frost; him thoughte; his herte gan to colde;  535

For which with chaunged deedlich pale face;

With…outen word; he forth bigan to pace;

And; as god wolde; he gan so faste ryde;

That no wight of his contenance aspyde。

Than seyde he thus; ‘O paleys desolat;  540

O hous; of houses whylom best y…hight;

O paleys empty and disconsolat;

O thou lanterne; of which queynt is the light;

O paleys; whylom day; that now art night;

Wel oughtestow to falle; and I to dye;  545

Sin she is went that wont was us to gye!

‘O paleys; whylom croune of houses alle;

Enlumined with sonne of alle blisse!

O ring; fro which the ruby is out…falle;

O cause of wo; that cause hast been of lisse!  550

Yet; sin I may no bet; fayn wolde I kisse

Thy colde dores; dorste I for this route;

And fare…wel shryne; of which the seynt is oute!'

Ther…with he caste on Pandarus his ye

With chaunged face; and pitous to biholde;  555

And whan he mighte his tyme aright aspye;

Ay as he rood; to Pandarus he tolde

His newe sorwe; and eek his Ioyes olde;

So pitously and with so dede an hewe;

That every wight mighte on his sorwe rewe。  560

Fro thennesforth he rydeth up and doun;

And every thing com him to remembraunce

As he rood forbi places of the toun

In whiche he whylom hadde al his plesaunce。

‘Lo; yond saugh I myn owene lady daunce;  565

And in that temple; with hir eyen clere;

Me coughte first my righte lady dere。

‘And yonder have I herd ful lustily

My dere herte laugh; and yonder pleye

Saugh I hir ones eek ful blisfully。  570

And yonder ones to me gan she seye;

〃Now goode swete; love me wel; I preye。〃

And yond so goodly gan she me biholde;

That to the deeth myn herte is to hir holde。

‘And at that corner; in the yonder hous;  575

Herde I myn alderlevest lady dere

So wommanly; with voys melodious;

Singen so wel; so goodly; and so clere;

That in my soule yet me thinketh I here

The blisful soun; and; in that yonder place;  580

My lady first me took un…to hir grace。'

Thanne thoughte he thus; ‘O blisful lord Cupyde;

Whanne I the proces have in my memorie;

How thou me hast wereyed on every syde;

Men might a book make of it; lyk a storie。  585

What nede is thee to seke on me victorie;

Sin I am thyn; and hoolly at thy wille?

What Ioye hastow thyn owene folk to spille?

‘Wel hastow; lord; y…wroke on me thyn ire;

Thou mighty god; and dredful for to greve!  590

Now mercy; lord; thou wost wel I desire

Thy grace most; of alle lustes leve;

And live and deye I wol in thy bileve;

For which I naxe in guerdon but a bone;

That thou Criseyde ayein me sende sone。  595

‘Distreyne hir herte as faste to retorne

As thou dost myn to longen hir to see;

Than woot I wel; that she nil nought soiorne。

Now; blisful lord; so cruel thou ne be

Un…to the blood of Troye; I preye thee;  600

As Iuno was un…to the blood Thebane;

For which the folk of Thebes caughte hir bane。'

And after this he to the yates wente

Ther…as Criseyde out…rood a ful good paas;

And up and doun ther made he many a wente;  605

And to him…self ful ofte he seyde ‘Allas!

From hennes rood my blisse and my solas!

As wolde blisful god now; for his Ioye;

I mighte hir seen ayein come in…to Troye!

‘And to the yonder hille I gan hir gyde;  610

Allas! And there I took of hir my leve!

And yond I saugh hir to hir fader ryde;

For sorwe of which myn herte shal to…cleve。

And hider hoom I com whan it was eve;

And here I dwelle out…cast from alle Ioye;  615

And shal; til I may seen hir eft in Troye。'

And of him…self imagened he ofte

To ben defet; and pale; and waxen lesse

Than he was wont; and that men seyden softe;

‘What may it be? Who can the sothe gesse  620

Why Troilus hath al this hevinesse?'

And al this nas but his malencolye;

That he hadde of him…self swich fantasye。

Another tyme imaginen he wolde

That every wight that wente by the weye  625

Had of him routhe; and that they seyen sholde;

‘I am right sory Troilus wole deye。'

And thus he droof a day yet forth or tweye。

As ye have herd; swich lyf right gan he lede;

As he that stood bitwixen hope and drede。  630

For which him lyked in his songes shewe

Thencheson of his wo; as he best mighte;

And made a song of wordes but a fewe;

Somwhat his woful herte for to lighte。

And whan he was from every mannes sighte;  635

With softe voys he; of his lady dere;

That was absent; gan singe as ye may here。

‘O sterre; of which I lost have al the light;

With herte soor wel oughte I to bewayle;

That ever derk in torment; night by night;  640

Toward my deeth with wind in stere I sayle;

For which the tenthe night if that I fayle

The gyding of thy bemes brighte an houre;

My ship and me Caribdis wole devoure。'

This song whan he thus songen hadde; sone  645

He fil ayein in…to his sykes olde;

And every night; as was his wone to done;

He stood the brighte mone to beholde;

And al his sorwe he to the mone tolde;

And seyde; ‘Y…wis; whan thou art horned newe;  650

I shal be glad; if al the world be trewe!

‘I saugh thyn hornes olde eek by the morwe;

Whan hennes rood my righte lady dere;

That cause is of my torment and my sorwe;

For whiche; O brighte Lucina the clere;  655

For love of god; ren faste aboute thy spere!

For whan thyn hornes newe ginne springe;

Than shal she come; that may my blisse bringe!'

The day is more; and lenger every night;

Than they be wont to be; him thoughte tho;  660

And that the sonne wente his course unright

By lenger wey than it was wont to go;

And seyde; ‘Y…wis; me dredeth ever…mo;

The sonnes sone; Pheton; be on…lyve;

And that his fadres cart amis he dryve。'  665

Upon the walles faste eek wolde he walke;

And on the Grekes ost he wolde see;

And to him…self right thus he wolde talke;

‘Lo; yonder is myn owene lady free;

Or elles yonder; ther tho tentes be!  670

And thennes comth this eyr; that is so sote;

That in my soule I fele it doth me bote。

‘And hardely this wind; that more and more

Thus stoundemele encreseth in my face;

Is of my ladyes depe sykes sore。  675

I preve it thus; for in non othere place

Of al this toun; save onliche in this space;

Fele I no wind that souneth so lyk peyne;

It seyth; 〃Allas! Why twinned be we tweyne?〃'

This longe tyme he dryveth forth right thus;  680

Til fully passed was the nynthe night;

And ay bi…syde him was this Pandarus;

That bisily dide alle his fulle might

Him to comforte; and make his herte light;

Yevinge him hope alwey; the tenthe morwe  685

That she shal come; and stinten al his sorwe。

Up…on that other syde eek was Criseyde;

With wommen fewe; among the Grekes stronge;

For which ful ofte a day ‘Allas;' she seyde;

‘That I was born! Wel may myn 
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