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the anti-slavery crusade-第20部分

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ly substituted and in 1858 became the accepted title of the party。 The provision for two territorial governments instead of one carried with it the idea of a continued balance between slave and free States; Kansas; being on a geographical parallel with the slave States; would probably permit slavery; while Nebraska would be occupied by free…state immigrants。 Though this was a commonly accepted view; Eli Thayer of Worcester; Massachusetts; and a few others took a different view。 They proposed to make an end of the discussion of the extension of slavery by sending free men who were opposed to slavery to occupy the territory open for settlement。 To attain this object they organized an Emigrant Aid Company incorporated under the laws of the State。 Even before the bill was passed; the corporation was in full working order。 Thayer himself traveled extensively throughout the Northern States stimulating interest in western emigration; with the conviction that the disturbing question could be peacefully settled in this way。 California had thus been saved to freedom; why not all other Territories? The new company had as adviser and co…laborer Dr。 Charles Robinson; who had crossed the Kansas Territory on his way to California and had acquired valuable experience in the art of state…building under peculiar conditions。 The first party sent out by the Emigrant Aid Company arrived in Kansas early in August; 1854; and selected the site for the town of Lawrence。 During the later months of the year; four other parties were sent out; in all numbering nearly seven hundred。 Through extensive advertisement by the company; through the general interest in the subject and the natural flow of emigration to the West; Kansas was receiving large accessions of free…state settlers。 Meanwhile the men of Missouri; some of whom had striven for a decade to secure the privilege of extending slavery into the new Territory; were not idle。 Instantly upon the removal of legal barriers; they occupied adjacent lands; founded towns; staked out claims; formed plans for preempting the entire region and for forestalling or driving out all intruders。 They had at first the advantage of position; for they did not find it difficult to maintain two homes; one in Kansas for purposes of voting and fighting and another in Missouri for actual residence。 Andrew H。 Reeder; a Pennsylvania Democrat of strong pro…slavery prejudices; was appointed first Governor of the Territory。 When he arrived in Kansas in October; 1854; there were already several thousand settlers on the ground and others were continually arriving。 He appointed the 29th of November for the election of a delegate to Congress。 On that day several hundred Missourians came into the Territory and voted。 There was no violence and no contest; the free…state men had no separate candidate。 Notwithstanding the violence of language used by opposing factions; notwithstanding the organization of secret societies pledged to drive out all Northern intruders; there was no serious disturbance until March 30; 1855; the day appointed for the election of members of the territorial Legislature。 On that day the Missourians came full five thousand strong; armed with guns; bowie…knives; and revolvers。 They met with no resistance from the residents; who were unarmed。 They took charge of the precincts and chose pro…slavery delegates with one exception。 Governor Reeder protested and recommended to the precincts the filing of protests。 Only seven responded; however; and in these cases new elections were held and contesting delegates elected。 The Governor issued certificates to these and to all those who in other precincts had been chosen by the horde from Missouri。 When the Legislature met in July; the seven contests were decided in favor of the pro…slavery party; the single freestate member resigned; and the assembly was unanimous。 Governor Reeder fully expected that President Pierce would nullify the election; and to this end he made a journey to Washington in April。 On the way he delivered a public address at Easton; Pennsylvania; describing in lurid colors the outrage which had been perpetrated upon the people of Kansas by the 〃border ruffians〃 from Missouri; and asserting that the accounts in the Northern press had not been exaggerated。 While Governor Reeder in contact with the actual events in Kansas was becoming an active Free…Boiler; President Pierce in association with Jefferson Davis and others of his party was developing active sympathies with the people of western Missouri。 To the President this invasion of territory west of the slave State by Northern men aided by Northern corporations seemed a violation of the Kansas…Nebraska Act; and he sought to induce Reeder to resign。 This; however; the Governor positively refused to do unless the President would formally approve his conduct in Kansasan endorsement which required more fortitude than President Pierce possessed。 On his return to Kansas; determined to do what he could to protect the Kansas people from injustice; he called the Legislature to meet at Pawnee; a point far removed from the Missouri border。 Immediately upon their organization at that place the members of the Legislature adjourned to meet at Shawnee; near the border of Missouri。 The Governor; who decided that this action was illegal; then refused to recognize the Assembly at the new place。 A deadlock thus ensued which was broken on the 15th of August by the removal of Governor Reeder and the appointment of Wilson Shannon of Ohio in his place。 In the meantime the territorial Legislature had adjourned; having 〃enacted〃 an elaborate proslavery code made up from the slave code of Missouri with a number of special adaptations。 For example; it was made a penitentiary offense to deny by speaking or writing; or by printing; or by introducing any printed matter; the right of persons to hold slaves in the Territory; no man was eligible to jury service who was conscientiously opposed to holding slaves; and lawyers were bound by oath to support the territorial statutes。 The free…state men; with the approval of Reeder; refused to recognize the Legislature and inaugurated a movement in the fall of 1855 to adopt a constitution and to organize a provisional territorial Government preparatory to admission as a State; following in this respect the procedure in California and Michigan。 A convention met in Topeka in October; 1855; and completed on the 11th of November the draft of a constitution which prohibited slavery。 On the 15th of December the constitution was approved by a practically unanimous vote; only free…state men taking part in the election。 A month later a Legislature was elected and at the same time Charles Robinson was elected Governor of the new commonwealth。 In the previous October; Reeder had been chosen Free…soil delegate to Congress。 The Topeka freestate Legislature met on the 4th of March; 1856; and after petitioning Congress to admit Kansas under the Topeka constitution; adjourned until the 4th of July pending the action of Congress。 Thus at the end of two years two distinct Governments had come into existence within the Territory of Kansas。 It speaks volumes for the self…control and moderation of the two parties that no hostile encounter had occurred between the contestants。 When the armed Missourians came in March; 1855; the unarmed settlers offered no resistance。 Afterward; however; they supplied themselves with Sharp's rifles and organized a militia。 With the advent of Governor Shannon in September; 1855; the proslavery position was much strengthened。 In November; in a quarrel over a land claim; a free…state settler by the name of Dow was killed。 The murderer escaped; but a friend of the victim was accused of uttering threats against a friend of the murderer。 For this offense a posse led by Sheriff Jones; a Missourian; seized him; and would have carried him away if fourteen freestate men had not 〃persuaded〃 the Sheriff to surrender his prisoner。 This interference was accepted by the Missourians as a signal for battle。 The rescuers must be arrested and punished。 A large force of infuriated Missourians and pro…slavery settlers assembled for a raid upon the town of Lawrence。 In the meantime the Lawrence militia planned and executed a systematic defense of the town。 When the two armies came within speaking distance; a parley ensued in which the Governor took a leading part in settling the affair without a hostile shot。 This is known in Kansas history as the 〃Wakarusa War。〃 The progress of affairs in Kansas was followed with intense interest in all parts of the country。 North and South vied with each other in the encouragement of emigration to Kansas。 Colonel Buford of Alabama sold a large number of slaves and devoted the proceeds to meeting the expense of conducting a troop of three hundred men to Kansas in the winter of 1856。 They went armed with 〃the sword of the spirit;〃 and all provided with Bibles supplied by the leading churches。 Arrived in the territory; they were duly furnished with more worldly weapons and were drilled for action。 About the same time a parallel incident is said to have occurred in New Haven; Connecticut。 A deacon in one of the churches had enlisted a company of seventy bound for Kansas。 A meeting was he
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