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the anti-slavery crusade-第21部分

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A deacon in one of the churches had enlisted a company of seventy bound for Kansas。 A meeting was held in the church to raise money to defray expenses。 The leader of the company declared that they also needed rifles for self…defense。 Forthwith Professor Silliman; of the University; subscribed one Sharp's rifle; and others followed with like pledges。 Finally Henry Ward Beecher; who was the speaker of the occasion; rose and promised that; if twenty…five rifles were pledged on the spot; Plymouth Church in Brooklyn would be responsible for the remaining twenty…five that were needed。 He had already said in a previous address that for the slaveholders of Kansas; Sharp's rifles were a greater moral agency than the Bible。 This led to the designation of the weapons as 〃Beecher's Bibles。〃 Such was the spirit which prevailed in the two sections of the country。 President Pierce had now become intensely hostile towards the free…state inhabitants of Kansas。 Having recognized the Legislature elected on March 30; 1855; as the legitimate Government; he sent a special message to Congress on January 24; 1856; in which he characterized as revolutionary the movement of the free…state men to organize a separate Government in Kansas。 》From the President's point of view; the emissaries of the New England Emigrant Aid Association were unlawful invaders。 In this position he not only had the support of the South; but was powerfully seconded by Stephen A。 Douglas and other Northern Democrats。 The attitude of the Administration at Washington was a source of great encouragement to Sheriff Jones and his associates; who were anxious to wreak their vengeance on the city of Lawrence for the outcome of the Wakarusa War。 Jones came to Lawrence apparently for the express purpose of picking a quarrel; for he revived the old dispute about the rescuing party of the previous fall。 As a consequence one enraged opponent slapped him in the face; and at last an unknown assassin entered the sheriff's tent by night and inflicted a revolver wound in his back。 Though the citizens of Lawrence were greatly chagrined at this event and offered a reward for the discovery of the assailant; the attack upon the sheriff was made the signal for drastic procedure against the town of Lawrence。 A grand jury found indictments for treason against Reeder; Robinson; and other leading citizens of the town。 The United States marshal gave notice that he expected resistance in making arrests and called upon all law…abiding citizens of the Territory to aid in executing the law。 It was a welcome summons to the pro…slavery forces。 Not only local militia companies responded but also Buford's company and various companies from Missouri; in all more than seven hundred men; with two cannon。 It had always been the set purpose of the free…state men not to resist federal authority by force; unless as a last resort; and they had no intention of opposing the marshal in making arrests。 He performed his duty without hindrance and then placed the armed troops under the command of Sheriff Jones; who proceeded first to destroy the printing…press of the town of Lawrence。 Then; against the protest of the marshal and Colonel Buford; the vindictive sheriff trained his guns upon the new hotel which was the pride of the city; the ruin of the building was made complete by fire; while a drunken mob pillaged the town。 On May 22; 1856; the day following the attack upon Lawrence; Charles Sumner was struck down in the United States Senate on account of a speech made in defense of the rights of Kansas settlers。 The two events; which were reported at the same time in the daily press; furnished the key…note to the presidential campaign of that year; for nominating conventions followed in a few days and 〃bleeding Kansas〃 was the all…absorbing issue。 In spite of the destruction of property in Lawrence and the arrest of the leaders of the free…state party; Kansas had not been plunged into a state of civil war。 The free…state party had fired no hostile shot。 Governor Robinson and his associates still relied upon public opinion and they accepted the wanton attack upon Lawrence as the best assurance that they would yet win their cause by legal means。 A change; however; soon took place which is associated with the entrance of John Brown into the history of Kansas。 Brown and his sons were living at Osawatomie; some thirty miles south of Lawrence。 They were present at the Wakarusa War in December; 1855; and were on their way to the defense of Lawrence on May 21; 1856; when they were informed that the town had been destroyed。 Three days after this event Brown and his sons with two or three others made a midnight raid upon their pro…slavery neighbors living in the Pottawatomie valley and slew five men。 The authors of this deed were not certainly known until the publication of a confession of one of the party in 1879; twenty years after the chief actor had won the reputation of a martyr to the cause of liberty。 The Browns; however; were suspected at the time; warrants were out for their arrest; and their homes were destroyed。 For more than three months after this incident; Kansas was in a state of war; in fact; two distinct varieties of warfare were carried on。 Publicly organized companies on both sides engaged in acts of attack and defense; while at the same time irresponsible secret bands were busy in violent reprisals; in plunder and assassination。 In both of these forms of warfare; the free…state men proved themselves fully equal to their opponents; and Governor Shannon was entirely unable to cope with the situation。 It is estimated that two hundred men were slain and two million dollars' worth of property was destroyed。 The state of affairs in Kansas served to win many Northern Democrats to the support of the Republicans。 The Administration at Washington was held responsible for the violence and bloodshed。 The Democratic leaders in the political campaign; determined now upon a complete change in the Government of the Territory; appointed J。 W。 Geary as Governor and placed General Smith in charge of the troops。 The new incumbents; both from Pennsylvania; entered upon their labors early in September; and before the October state elections Geary was able to report that peace reigned throughout the Territory。 A prompt reaction in favor of the Democrats followed。 Buchanan; their presidential candidate; rejoiced in the fact that order had been restored by two citizens of his own State。 It was now very generally conceded that Kansas would become a free State; and intimate associates of Buchanan assured the public that he was himself of that opinion and that if elected he would insure to the free…state party evenhanded justice。 Thousands of voters were thus won to Buchanan's support。 There was a general distrust of the Republican candidate as a man lacking political experience; and a strong conservative reaction against the idea of electing a President by the votes of only one section of the country。 At the election in November; Buchanan received a majority of sixty of the electoral votes over Fremont; but in the popular vote he fell short of a majority by nearly 400;000。 Fillmore; candidate of the Whig and the American parties; received 874;000 votes。 There was still profound distrust of the administration of the Territory of Kansas; and the free…state settlers refused to vote at the election set for the choosing of a new territorial Legislature in October。 The result was another pro…slavery assembly。 Governor Geary; however; determined to secure and enforce just treatment of both parties。 He was at once brought into violent conflict with the Legislature in an experience which was almost an exact counterpart of that of Governor Reeder; and Washington did not support his efforts to secure fair dealings。 A pro…slavery deputation visited President Pierce in February; 1857; and returned with the assurance that Governor Geary would be removed。 Without waiting for the President to act; Geary resigned in disgust on the 4th of March。 Of the three Governors whom President Pierce appointed; two became active supporters of the free…state party and a third; Governor Shannon; fled from the territory in mortal terror lest he should be slain by members of the party which he had tried to serve。

CHAPTER XI。 CHARLES SUMNER The real successor to John Quincy Adams as the protagonist of the anti…slavery cause in Congress proved to be not Seward but Charles Sumner of Massachusetts。 This newcomer entered the Senate without previous legislative experience but with an unusual equipment for the role he was to play。 A graduate of Harvard College at the age of nineteen; he had entered upon the study of law in the newly organized law school in which Joseph Story held one of the two professorships。 He was admitted to the bar in 1834; but three years later he left his slender law practice for a long period of European travel。 This three years' sojourn brought him into intimate touch with the leading spirits in arts; letters; and public life in England and on the Continent; and thus ripened his talents to their full maturity。 He returned to his law practice poor in pocket but rich in the possession of lifelong friendships and happy memories。 Sumner's political career did not begin
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