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the anti-slavery crusade-第22部分

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n the possession of lifelong friendships and happy memories。 Sumner's political career did not begin until 1847; when as a Whig he not only opposed any further extension of slavery but strove to commit his party to the policy of emancipation in all the States。 Failing in this attempt; Sumner became an active Free…Boiler in 1848。 He was twice a candidate for Congress on the Free…soil ticket but failed of election。 In 1851 he was elected to the United States Senate by a coalition between his party and the Democrats。 This is the only public office he ever held; but he was continuously reelected until his death in 1874。 John Quincy Adams had addressed audiences trained in the old school; which did not defend slavery on moral grounds。 Charles Sumner faced audiences of the new school; which upheld the institution as a righteous moral order。 This explains the chief difference in the attitude of the two leaders。 Sumner; like Adams; began as an opponent of pro…slavery aggression; but he went farther: he attacked the institution itself as a great moral evil。 As a constitutional lawyer Sumner is not the equal of his predecessor; Daniel Webster。 He is less original; less convincing in the enunciation of broad general principles。 He appears rather as a special pleader marshaling all available forces against the one institution which assailed the Union。 In this particular work; he surpassed all others; for; with his unbounded industry; he permitted no precedent; no legal advantage; no incident of history; no fact in current politics fitted to strengthen his cause; to escape his untiring search。 He showed a marvelous skill in the selection; arrangement; and presentation of his materials; and for his models he took the highest forms of classic forensic utterance。 Sumner exhibited the ordinary aloofness and lack of familiarity with actual conditions in the South which was characteristic of the New England abolitionist。 He perceived no race problem; no peculiar difficulty in the readjustments of master and slave which were involved in emancipation; and he ignored all obstacles to the accomplishment of his ends。 Webster's arraignment of South Carolina was directed against an alleged erroneous dogma and only incidentally affected personal morality。 The reaction; therefore; was void of bitter resentment。 Sumner's charges were directed against alleged moral turpitude; and the classic form and scrupulous regard for parliamentary rules which he observed only added to the feeling of personal resentment on the part of his opponents。 Some of the defenders of slavery were themselves devoted students of the classics; but they found that the orations of Demosthenes furnished nothing suited to their purpose。 The result was a humiliating exhibition of weakness; personal abuse; and vindictiveness on their part。 There was a conspiracy of silence on the slavery question in 1852。 Each of the national parties was definitely committed to the support of the compromise and especially to the faithful observance of the Fugitive Slave Law。 Free…soilers had distinctly declined in numbers and influence during the four preceding years。 Only a handful of members in each House of Congress remained unaffiliated with the parties whose platforms had ordained silence on the one issue of chief public concern。 It was by a mere accident in Massachusetts politics that Charles Sumner was sent to the Senate as a man free on all public questions。 While the parties were making their nominations for the Presidency; Sumner sought diligently for an opportunity in the Senate to give utterance to the sentiments of his party on the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act。 But not until late in August did he overcome the resistance of the combined opposition and gain the floor。 The watchmen were caught off guard when Sumner introduced an amendment to an appropriation bill which enabled him to deliver a carefully prepared address; several hours in length; calling for the repeal of the law。 The first part of this speech is devoted to the general topic of the relation of the national Government to slavery and was made in answer to the demand of Calhoun and his followers for the direct national recognition of slavery。 For such a demand Sumner found no warrant。 By the decision of Lord Mansfield; said he; 〃the state of slavery〃 was declared to be 〃of such a nature; that it is incapable of being introduced on any reasons; moral or political; but ONLY BY POSITIVE LAW 。 。 。 。 it is so odious; that nothing can be suffered to support it but positive law。〃 Adopting the same principle; the Supreme Court of the State of Mississippi; a tribunal of slaveholders; asserted that 〃slavery is condemned by reason and the Laws of Nature。 It exists; and can ONLY exist; through municipal regulations。〃 So also declared the Supreme Court of Kentucky and numerous other tribunals。 This aspect of the subject furnished Sumner occasion for a masterly array of all the utterances in favor of liberty to be found in the Constitution; in the Declaration of Independence; in the constitutional conventions; in the principles of common law。 All these led up to and supported the one grand conclusion that; when Washington took the oath as President of the United States; 〃slavery existed nowhere on the national territory〃 and therefore 〃is in no respect a national institution。〃 Apply the principles of the Constitution in their purity; then; and 〃in all national territories slavery will be impossible。 On the high seas; under the national flag; slavery will be impossible。 In the District of Columbia; slavery will instantly cease。 Inspired by these principles; Congress can give no sanction to slavery by the admission of new slave States。 Nowhere under the Constitution can the Nation by legislation or otherwise; support slavery; hunt slaves; or hold property in man 。 。 。 。 As slavery is banished from the national jurisdiction; it will cease to vex our national politics。 It may linger in the States as a local institution; but it will no longer engender national animosities when it no longer demands national support。〃 The second part of Sumner's address dealt directly with the Fugitive Slave Act of 1860。 It is much less convincing and suggests more of the characteristics of the special pleader with a difficult case。 Sumner here undertook to prove that Congress exceeded its powers when it presumed to lay down rules for the rendition of fugitive slaves; and this task exceeded even his power as a constitutional lawyer。 The circumstances under which Sumner attacked slavery were such as to have alarmed a less self…centered man; for the two years following the introduction of the Nebraska bill were marked by the most acrimonious debate in the history of Congress; and by physical encounters; challenges; and threats of violence。 But though Congressmen carried concealed weapons; Sumner went his way unarmed and apparently in complete unconcern as to any personal danger; though it is known that he was fully aware that in the faithful performance of what he deemed to be his duty he was incurring the risk of assassination。 The pro…slavery party manifested on all occasions a disposition to make the most of the weak point in Sumner's constitutional argument against the Fugitive Slave Law。 He was accused of taking an oath to support the Constitution though at the same time intending to violate one of its provisions。 In a discussion; in June; 1854; over a petition praying for the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act; Senator Butler of South Carolina put the question directly to Senator Sumner whether he would himself unite with others in returning a fugitive to his master。 Sumner's quick reply was; 〃Is thy servant a dog that he should do this thing?〃 Enraged Southerners followed this remark with a most bitter onslaught upon Sumner which lasted for two days。 When Sumner again got the floor; he said in reference to Senator Butler's remark: 〃In fitful phrase; which seemed to come from unconscious excitement; so common with the Senator; he shot forth various cries about 'dogs;' and; among other things; asked if there was any 'dog' in the Constitution? The Senator did not seem to bear in mind; through the heady currents of that moment that; by the false interpretation he fastens upon the Constitution; he has helped to nurture there a whole kennel of Carolina bloodhounds; trained; with savage jaw and insatiable in scent; for the hunt of flying bondmen。 No; sir; I do not believe that there is any 'kennel of bloodhounds;' or even any 'dog' in the Constitution。〃 Thereafter offensive personal references between the Senators from Massachusetts and South Carolina became habitual。 These personalities were a source of regret to many of Sumner's best friends; but they fill a small place; after all; in his great work。 Nor were they the chief source of rancor on the part of his enemies; for Southern orators were accustomed to personalities in debate。 Sumner was feared and hated principally because his presence in Congress endangered the institution of slavery。 Sumner's speech on the crime against Kansas was perhaps the most remarkable effort of his career。 It had been known for many weeks that Sumner was preparing to speak upon the burning question; and his friends had already expressed anxiety fo
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