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the origin of the distinction of ranks-第19部分

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nce of old usage; was permitted to remain in later times; when the plea of necessity could no longer be urged in its vindication。 How shocking soever it may appear to us; the custom of exposing infant children was universal among the ancient inhabitants of Greece; and was never abolished even by such of the Greek states as were most distinguished for their learning and politeness。(12*)     According to the laws and customs of the Romans; the father had anciently an unlimited power of putting his children to death; and of selling them for slaves。 While they remained in his family; they were incapable of having any estate of their own; and whatever they acquired; either by their own industry; or by the donations of others; became immediately the property of their father。 Though with respect to every other person they were regarded as free; yet with respect to their father they were considered as in a state of absolute slavery and subjection; and they could neither marry; nor enter into any other contract; without his approbation and consent。(13*)     In one respect; the power of a father over his sons appears; in ancient Rome; to have extended even farther than that of a master over his slaves。 If upon any occasion a son had been sold by his father; and had afterwards obtained his freedom from the purchaser; he did not thereby become independent; but was again reduced under the paternal dominion。 The same consequence followed; if he had been sold and manumitted a second time; and it was only after a third purchase; that the power of his father was altogether dissolved; and that he was permitted to enjoy any real and permanent advantage from the bounty of his master。     This peculiarity is said to have been derived from a statute of Romulus; adopted into the laws of the twelve tables; and affords a sufficient proof that the Romans had anciently no idea of a child living in the family; without being considered as the slave of his father。     In those early ages; when this practice was first introduced; the Roman state was composed of a few clans; or families of barbarians; the members of which had usually a strong attachment to one another; and were at variance with most of their neighbours。 When a son therefore had been banished from his family by the avarice of his father; we may suppose that; as soon as he was at liberty; he would not think of remaining in a foreign tribe; or of submitting to the hardships of procuriNg his food in a state of solitude; but that he would rather choose to return to his own kindred; and again submit to that jurisdiction; which was more useful from the protection it afforded; than painful from the service and obedience which it required。     It is probable; however; that if in this manner a child had been frequently separated from the company of his relations; he would at length grow weary of returning to a society in which he was the object of so little affection; and in which he was treated with so much contempt。 How long he would be disposed to maintain his former connexions; and how often he would be willing to restore that property which his father had abandoned; seems; from the nature of the thing; impossible to ascertain。 But whatever might be the conduct of the son; it seems to have been intended by the statute of Romulus; that; after a third sale; the property of the father should be finally extinguished; and that he should never afterwards recover a power which he had exercised with such immoderate severity。 Section II The influence of the improvement of arts upon the jurisdiction of the father     Such was the power; in early times; possessed by the head of a family。 But the gradual advancement of a people in civilized manners; and their subjection to regular government; have a natural tendency to limit and restrain this primitive jurisdiction。 When different families are united in a larger society; the several members of which have an intimate correspondence with each other; it may be expected that the exercise of domestic authority will begin to excite the attention of the public。 The near relations of a family; who have a concern for the welfare of the children; and who have an opportunity of obserVing the manner in which they are treated; will naturally interpose by their good offices; and endeavour to screen them from injustice and oppression。 The abuses which; on some occasions; are known and represented with all their aggravating circumstances; will excite indignation and resentment; and will at length give rise to such regulations as are necessary for preventing the like disorders for the future。     Those improvements in the state of society; which are the common effects of opulence and refinement; will at the same time dispose the father to use his power with greater moderation。 By living in affluence and security; he is more at leisure to exert the social affections; and to cultivate those arts which tend to soften and humanize the temper。 Being often engaged in the business and conversation of the world; and finding; in many cases; the necessity of conforming to the humours of those with whom he converses; he becomes less impatient of contradiction; and less apt to give way to the irregular sallies of passion。 His parental affection; though not perhaps more violent; becomes at least more steady and uniform; and while it prompts him to undergo the labour that may be requisite in providing for his family; it is not incompatible with that discretion which leads him to bear with the frowardness; the folly and imprudence of his children; and in his behaviour towards them; to avoid equally the excess of severity and of indulgence。     On the other hand; the progress of arts and manufactures will contribute to undermine and weaken his power; and even to raise the members of his family to a state of freedom and independence。     In those rude and simple periods when men are chiefly employed in hunting and fishing; in pasturing cattle; or in cultivating the ground; the children are commonly brought up in the house of their father; and continuing in his family as long as he lives; they have no occasion to acquire any separate property; but depend entirely for subsistence upon that hereditary estate; of which he is the sole disposer and manager。 Their situation; however; in this; as well as in many other respects; is greatly altered by the introduction of commerce and manufactures。 In a commercial country; a great part of the inhabitants are employed in such a manner as tends to disperse the members of a family; and often requires that they should live at a distance from one another。     The children; at an early period of life; are obliged to leave their home; in order to be instructed in those trades and professions by which it is proposed they should earn a livelihood; and afterwards to settle in those parts of the country which they find convenient for prosecuting their several employments。 By this alteration of circumstances they are emancipated from their father's authority。 They are put in a condition to procure a maintainance without having recourse to his bounty; and by their own labour and industry are frequently possessed of opulent fortunes。 As they live in separate families of their own; of which they have the entire direction; and are placed at such a distance from their father; that he has no longer an opportunity of observing and controlling their behaviour; it is natural to suppose that their former habits will be gradually laid aside and forgotten。     When we examine the laws and customs of polished nations; they appear to coincide with the foregoing remarks; and leave no room to doubt that; in most countries; the paternal jurisdiction has been reduced within narrower bounds; in proportion to the ordinary improvements of society。     The Romans; who for several centuries were constantly employed in war; and for that reason gave little attention to the arts of peace; discovered more attachment to their barbarous usages than perhaps any other nation that arose to wealth and splendour; and their ancient practice; with respect to the power of the father; was therefore permitted to remain in the most flourishing periods of their government。 The alterations in this particular; which were at length found expedient; having; for the most part; occurred in times of light and knowledge; are recorded with some degree of accuracy; and as they mark the progress of a great people in an important branch of policy; may deserve to be particularly considered。     We know nothing with certainty concerning the attempts which; in a very remote period; are supposed to have been made for restraining the exposition of infants。 By a law of Romulus; parents are said to have been obliged to maintain their male children; and the eldest female; unless where a child was; by two of the neighbours called for the purpose; declared to be a monster。 A regulation of the same nature is mentioned among the laws of the twelve tables ; but there is ground to believe that little regard was paid to it; and even under the emperors; the exposing of new…born children; of either sex; appears to have been exceedingly common。     The first effectual regulations in favour of children were those which bestowed upon them a privile
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