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the origin of the distinction of ranks-第28部分

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; upon the personal attachment of his followers; and their admiration of his abilities; more than upon his superiority in wealth; and the power which that influence enabled him to assume was; therefore; far from being absolute。 For this reason; under the kingly government of Rome; the authority of the senate; composed of all the chiefs; was not alone sufficient for making general laws; or transacting business where dissension might be apprehended; but its decrees; in such cases; were usually confirmed by an assembly consisting of the whole people。 The same practice obtained in Athens and Sparta; and probably in most of the other states of Greece。     The particulars related by Caesar concerning the inhabitants of ancient Gaul may be considered as affording the most authentic evidence of the state of government in any rude country。 We learn from this author that the whole of that country was divided into a number of separate states; independent of each other; and differing considerably in the degrees of their power; as well as in the extent of their territories。 In the several towns; villages; or families; belonging to each nation; there were certain leading persons; possessed of great influence and authority; by whom their respective followers were governed and protected。 The affairs of a whole nation were conducted by a king; or chief magistrate; assisted by a national council; and when different nations were engaged in a common enterprise; they made choice of a general to command their united forces。(4*)     The German nations who about the fifth century; over…ran and subdued the provinces of the Western empire; were in a different situation from any other people with whose history we are acquainted。 While they remained in their own country; those nations had made considerable advances in the pastoral state; and had thereby acquired a good deal of wealth in herds and flock。 By their settlement in the Roman provinces; they had an opportunity; as has been already observed; of acquiring large estates in land; which tended to augment the authority of different leaders in proportion to their riches。     The inhabitants of a large tract of country were; at the same time; associated for their mutual defence; and in their common expeditions; were conducted by a great chief; or king; whose rank and dignity; like that of every subordinate leader; was supported by his own private estate。 There were two circumstances which rendered the associations made upon this occasion much more extensive than they commonly are among nations equally barbarous。     As each of the nations who settled in the Western empire; though seldom large; was; by the rapid progress of its arm; and by a sudden improvement in agriculture; enabled to occupy a prodigious quantity of land; the different proprietors; among whom that land was divided; were placed at a great distance from one another; and spread over a wide country。 But many of these proprietors consisting of kindred or acquaintance; and all of them having been accustomed to act under one commander; they were still inclined; how remote soever their situation; to maintain a correspondence; and to unite in their military enterprises。     The state of the Roman provinces was another circumstance which promoted an extensive association among the conquerors。 Each province of the Roman empire constituted; in some measure; a separate government; the several parts of which had all a dependence upon one another。 The inhabitants; not to mention their ancient national attachment; had usually a set of laws and customs peculiar to themselves; and were governed by the same officers civil and military。 They were accustomed on public occasions to act in concert; and to consider themselves as having a common interest。 The capital; which was the seat of the governor; became the centre of government; to which the gentry of the province resorted in expectation of preferment; or with a view of sharing in the pleasures of a court; and from thence; to the most distant parts of the country; innumerable channels of communication were opened; through the principal towns; where trade was carried on; where taxes were levied; or where justice was administered。     The connexions; which had thus subsisted for ages between the several districts of large territory; were not entirely destroyed when it came under the dominion of the barbarians。 As the ancient inhabitants were no where extirpated; but either by submitting to servitude; or by entering into various treaties of alliance; were incorporated and blended with the conquerors; the habits of intercourse; and the system of political union which remained with the former; was; in some degree; communicated to the latter。 When different tribes; therefore; though strangers to each other; had settled in the same province; they were easily reduced under one sovereign; and the boundaries of a modern kingdom; came frequently; in the western part of Europe; to be nearly of the same extent with the dominions which had been formerly subject to a Roman governor。     In proportion to the number of tribes; or separate families; united in one kingdom; and to the wideness of the country over which they were scattered; the union between them was loose and feeble。 Every proprietor of land maintained a sort of independence; and notwithstanding the confederacy of which he was a member; assumed the privilege of engaging in private wars at pleasure。 From the violent disposition to theft and rapine which prevailed in that age; neighbouring proprietors; when not occupied in a joint expedition; were tempted to commit depredations upon each other; and mutual injuries between the same individuals being often repeated; became the source of family quarrels; which were prosecuted with implacable animosity and rancour。 There was no sufficient authority in the public for repressing these disorders。 If; upon great provocation; the king had been excited to humble and punish an opulent baron; he found in many cases that the whole force of the crown was requisite for that purpose; and by the hazard and difficulty of the attempt; was commonly taught to be cautious; for the future; of involving himself in such disputes。     As individuals therefore; in those times of violence and confusion; were continually exposed to injustice and oppression; and received little or no protection from government; they found it necessary to be constantly attentive to their own safety。 It behooved every baron; not only to support his own personal dignity; and to maintain his own rights against the attacks of all his neighbours; but also to protect his retainers and dependents; and he was led; upon that account; to regulate the state of his barony in such a manner; as to preserve the union of all its members; to secure their fidelity and service; and to keep them always in a posture of defence。 With this view; when his relations; who had hitherto lived about his house; were gradually permitted to have families of their own; he did not bestow upon them separate estates; which would have rendered them independent; but he assigned them such portions of land as were thought sufficient for their maintenance; to be held upon condition; that whenever they were called upon; they should be ready to serve him in war; and that; in all their controversies; they should submit to his jurisdiction。 These grants were made for no limited time; but might be resumed at pleasure; so that though the master was not likely without some extraordinary offence; to deprive his kinsmen of their possessions; yet his power in this respect being indisputable; it could hardly fail to keep them in awe; and to produce an implicit obedience to his commands。     The military tenants; supported in this manner; were denominated vassals; and the land held by any person upon such terms has been called; a fief; though many writers; in order to distinguish it from what afterwards went under the same name; have termed it a benefice。     When the estate of a baron became extensive; the slaves; by whom it was cultivated; were likewise sent to a distance from the house of their master; and were placed in separate families; each of which obtained the management of a particular farm; but that they might; in those disorderly times; be more easily protected by the owner; and might be in a condition to defend and assist one another; a number of them were usually collected together; and composed a little village。 Hence they received the appellation of villani; or villains。     The whole of a kingdom was thus divided into a number of baronies; of greater or smaller extent; and regulated nearly in the same manner。 The king was at the head of a barony similar in every respect to those of his subjects; though commonly larger; and therefore capable of maintaining a greater number of vassals and dependents。 But the land which belonged to the barons; was held in the same independent manner with that which belonged to the king。 As each of those warlike chiefs had purchased his demesnes by his own activity and valour; he claimed the absolute enjoyment and disposal of them together with the privilege of transmitting them to his posterity; and as he had not been indebted to the crown for his original possession; 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