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the vicar of wakefield-第12部分

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money;' cried Moses'again。 'I have laid it all out in a bargain; and here it is;' pulling out a bundle from his breast: 'here they are; a groce of green spectacles; with silver rims and shagreen cases。''A groce of green spectacles!' repeated my wife in a faint voice。 'And you have parted with the Colt; and brought us back nothing but a groce of green paltry spectacles!''Dear mother;' cried the boy; 'why won't you listen to reason? I had them a dead bargain; or I should not have bought them。 The silver rims alone will sell for double money。''A fig for the silver rims;' cried my wife; in a passion: 'I dare swear they won't sell for above half the money at the rate of broken silver; five shillings an ounce。''You need be under no uneasiness;' cried I; 'about selling the rims; for they are not worth six…pence; for I perceive they are only copper varnished over。''What;' cried my wife; 'not silver; the rims not silver!' 'No;' cried I; 'no more silver than your saucepan;' 'And so;' returned she; 'we have parted with the Colt; and have only got a groce of green spectacles; with copper rims and shagreen cases! A murrain take such trumpery。 The blockhead has been imposed upon; and should have known his company better。' 'There; my dear;' cried I; 'you are wrong; he should not have known them at all。''Marry; hang the ideot;' returned she; 'to bring me such stuff; if I had them; I would throw them in the fire。' 'There again you are wrong; my dear;' cried I; 'for though they be copper; we will keep them by us; as copper spectacles; you know; are better than nothing。'

By this time the unfortunate Moses was undeceived。 He now saw that he had indeed been imposed upon by a prowling sharper; who; observing his figure; had marked him for an easy prey。 I therefore asked the circumstances of his deception。 He sold the horse; it seems; and walked the fair in search of another。 A reverend looking man brought him to a tent; under pretence of having one to sell。 'Here;' continued Moses; 'we met another man; very well drest; who desired to borrow twenty pounds upon these; saying; that he wanted money; and would dispose of them for a third of the value。 The first gentleman; who pretended to be my friend; whispered me to buy them; and cautioned me not to let so good an offer pass。 I sent for Mr Flamborough; and they talked him up as finely as they did me; and so at last we were persuaded to buy the two groce between us。'


Mr Burchell is found to be an enemy; for he has the confidence to give disagreeable advice

Our family had now made several attempts to be fine; but some unforeseen disaster demolished each as soon as projected。 I endeavoured to take the advantage of every disappointment; to improve their good sense in proportion as they were frustrated in ambition。 'You see; my children;' cried I; 'how little is to be got by attempts to impose upon the world; in coping with our betters。 Such as are poor and will associate with none but the rich; are hated by those they avoid; and despised by these they follow。 Unequal combinations are always disadvantageous to the weaker side: the rich having the pleasure; and the poor the inconveniencies that result from them。 But come; Dick; my boy; and repeat the fable that you were reading to…day; for the good of the company。'。

'Once upon a time;' cried the child; 'a Giant and a Dwarf were friends; and kept together。 They made a bargain that they would never forsake each other; but go seek adventures。 The first battle they fought was with two Saracens; and the Dwarf; who was very courageous; dealt one of the champions a most angry blow。 It did the Saracen but very little injury; who lifting up his sword; fairly struck off the poor Dwarf's arm。 He was now in a woeful plight; but the Giant coming to his assistance; in a short time left the two Saracens dead on the plain; and the Dwarf cut off the dead man's head out of spite。 They then travelled on to another adventure。 This was against three bloody…minded Satyrs; who were carrying away a damsel in distress。 The Dwarf was not quite so fierce now as before; but for all that; struck the first blow; which was returned by another; that knocked out his eye: but the Giant was soon up with them; and had they not fled; would certainly have killed them every one。 They were all very joyful for this victory; and the damsel who was relieved fell in love with the Giant; and married him。 They now travelled far; and farther than I can tell; till they met with a company of robbers。 The Giant; for the first time; was foremost now; but the Dwarf was not far behind。 The battle was stout and long。 Wherever the Giant came all fell before him; but the Dwarf had like to have been killed more than once。 At last the victory declared for the two adventurers; but the Dwarf lost his leg。 The Dwarf was now without an arm; a leg; and an eye; while the Giant was without a single wound。 Upon which he cried out to his little companion; My little heroe; this is glorious sport; let us get one victory more; and then we shall have honour for ever。 No; cries the Dwarf who was by this time grown wiser; no; I declare off; I'll fight no more; for I find in every battle that you get all the honour and rewards; but all the blows fall upon me。'

I was going to moralize this fable; when our attention was called off to a warm dispute between my wife and Mr Burchell; upon my daughters intended expedition to town。 My wife very strenuously insisted upon the advantages that would result from it。 Mr Burchell; on the contrary; dissuaded her with great ardor; and I stood neuter。 His present dissuasions seemed but the second part of those which were received with so ill a grace in the morning。 The dispute grew high while poor Deborah; instead of reasoning stronger; talked louder; and at last was obliged to take shelter from a defeat in clamour。 The conclusion of her harangue; however; was highly displeasing to us all: she knew; she said; of some who had their own secret reasons for what they advised; but; for her part; she wished such to stay away from her house for the future。'Madam;' cried Burchell; with looks of great composure; which tended to enflame her the more; 'as for secret reasons; you are right: I have secret reasons; which I forbear to mention; because you are not able to answer those of which I make no secret: but I find my visits here are become troublesome; I'll take my leave therefore now; and perhaps come once more to take a final farewell when I am quitting the country。' Thus saying; he took up his hat; nor could the attempts of Sophia; whose looks seemed to upbraid his precipitancy; prevent his going。

When gone; we all regarded each other for some minutes with confusion。 My wife; who knew herself to be the cause; strove to hide her concern with a forced smile; and an air of assurance; which I was willing to reprove: 'How; woman;' cried I to her; 'is it thus we treat strangers? Is it thus we return their kindness? Be assured; my dear; that these were the harshest words; and to me the most unpleasing that ever escaped your lips!''Why would he provoke me then;' replied she; 'but I know the motives of his advice perfectly well。 He would prevent my girls from going to town; that he may have the pleasure of my youngest daughter's company here at home。 But whatever happens; she shall chuse better company than such low…lived fellows as he。''Low…lived; my dear; do you call him;' cried I; 'it is very possible we may mistake this man's character: for he seems upon some occasions the most finished gentleman I ever knew。Tell me; Sophia; my girl; has he ever given you any secret instances of his attachment?' 'His conversation with me; sir;' replied my daughter; 'has ever been sensible; modest; and pleasing。 As to aught else; no; never。 Once; indeed; I remember to have heard him say he never knew a woman who could find merit in a man that seemed poor。' 'Such; my dear;' cried I; 'is the common cant of all the unfortunate or idle。 But I hope you have been taught to judge properly of such men; and that it would be even madness to expect happiness from one who has been so very bad an oeconomist of his own。 Your mother and I have now better prospects for you。 The next winter; which you will probably spend in town; will give you opportunities of making a more prudent choice。' What Sophia's reflections were upon this occasion; I can't pretend to determine; but I was not displeased at the bottom that we were rid of a guest from whom I had much to fear。 Our breach of hospitality went to my conscience a little: but I quickly silenced that monitor by two or three specious reasons; which served to satisfy and reconcile me to myself。 The pain which conscience gives the man who has already done wrong; is soon got over。 Conscience is a coward; and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent; it seldom has justice enough to accuse。


Fresh mortifications; or a demonstration that seeming calamities may be real blessings

The journey of my daughters to town was now resolved upon; Mr Thornhill having kindly promised to inspect their conduct himself; and inform us by letter of their behaviour。 But it was thought indispensably necessary that their appearance should equal the greatness 
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