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the vicar of wakefield-第13部分

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aviour。 But it was thought indispensably necessary that their appearance should equal the greatness of their expectations; which could not be done without expence。 We debated therefore in full council what were the easiest methods of raising money; or; more properly speaking; what we could most conveniently sell。 The deliberation was soon finished; it was found that our remaining horse was utterly useless for the plow; without his companion; and equally unfit for the road; as wanting an eye; it was therefore determined that we should dispose of him for the purposes above…mentioned; at the neighbouring fair; and; to prevent imposition; that I should go with him myself。 Though this was one of the first mercantile transactions of my life; yet I had no doubt about acquitting myself with reputation。 The opinion a man forms of his own prudence is measured by that of the company he keeps; and as mine was mostly in the family way; I had conceived no unfavourable sentiments of my worldly wisdom。 My wife; however; next morning; at parting; after I had got some paces from the door; called me back; to advise me; in a whisper; to have all my eyes about me。 I had; in the usual forms; when I came to the fair; put my horse through all his paces; but for some time had no bidders。 At last a chapman approached; and; after he had for a good while examined the horse round; finding him blind of one eye; he would have nothing to say to him: a second came up; but observing he had a spavin; declared he would not take him for the driving home: a third perceived he had a windgall; and would bid no money: a fourth knew by his eye that he had the botts: a fifth; wondered what a plague I could do at the fair with a blind; spavined; galled hack; that was only fit to be cut up for a dog kennel。' By this time I began to have a most hearty contempt for the poor animal myself; and was almost ashamed at the approach of every customer; for though I did not entirely believe all the fellows told me; yet I reflected that the number of witnesses was a strong presumption they were right; and St Gregory; upon good works; professes himself to be of the same opinion。

I was in this mortifying situation; when a brother clergyman; an old acquaintance; who had also business to the fair; came up; and shaking me by the hand; proposed adjourning to a public…house and taking a glass of whatever we could get。 I readily closed with the offer; and entering an ale…house; we were shewn into a little back room; where there was only a venerable old man; who sat wholly intent over a large book; which he was reading。 I never in my life saw a figure that prepossessed me more favourably。 His locks of silver grey venerably shaded his temples; and his green old age seemed to be the result of health and benevolence。 However; his presence did not interrupt our conversation; my friend and I discoursed on the various turns of fortune we had met: the Whistonean controversy; my last pamphlet; the archdeacon's reply; and the hard measure that was dealt me。 But our attention was in a short time taken off by the appearance of a youth; who; entering the room; respectfully said something softly to the old stranger。 'Make no apologies; my child;' said the old man; 'to do good is a duty we owe to all our fellow creatures: take this; I wish it were more; but five pounds will relieve your distress; and you are welcome。' The modest youth shed tears of gratitude; and yet his gratitude was scarce equal to mine。 I could have hugged the good old man in my arms; his benevolence pleased me so。 He continued to read; and we resumed our conversation; until my companion; after some time; recollecting that he had business to transact in the fair; promised to be soon back; adding; that he always desired to have as much of Dr Primrose's company as possible。 The old gentleman; hearing my name mentioned; seemed to look at me with attention; for some time; and when my friend was gone; most respectfully demanded if I was any way related to the great Primrose; that courageous monogamist; who had been the bulwark of the church。 Never did my heart feel sincerer rapture than at that moment。 'Sir;' cried I; 'the applause of so good a man; as I am sure you are; adds to that happiness in my breast which your benevolence has already excited。 You behold before you; Sir; that Doctor Primrose; the monogamist; whom you have been pleased to call great。 You here see that unfortunate Divine; who has so long; and it would ill become me to say; successfully; fought against the deuterogamy of the age。' 'Sir;' cried the stranger; struck with awe; 'I fear I have been too familiar; but you'll forgive my curiosity; Sir: I beg pardon。' 'Sir;' cried I; grasping his hand; 'you are so far from displeasing me by your familiarity; that I must beg you'll accept my friendship; as you already have my esteem。''Then with gratitude I accept the offer;' cried he; squeezing me by the hand; 'thou glorious pillar of unshaken orthodoxy; and do I behold… …' I here interrupted what he was going to say; for tho'; as an author; I could digest no small share of flattery; yet now my modesty would permit no more。 However; no lovers in romance ever cemented a more instantaneous friendship。 We talked upon several subjects: at first I thought he seemed rather devout than learned; and began to think he despised all human doctrines as dross。 Yet this no way lessened him in my esteem; for I had for some time begun privately to harbour such an opinion myself。 I therefore took occasion to observe; that the world in general began to be blameably indifferent as to doctrinal matters; and followed human speculations too much'Ay; Sir;' replied he; as if he had reserved all his learning to that moment; 'Ay; Sir; the world is in its dotage; and yet the cosmogony or creation of the world has puzzled philosophers of all ages。 What a medly of opinions have they not broached upon the creation of the world? Sanconiathon; Manetho; Berosus; and Ocellus Lucanus; have all attempted it in vain。 The latter has these words; Anarchon ara kai atelutaion to pan; which imply that all things have neither beginning nor end。 Manetho also; who lived about the time of Nebuchadon…Asser; Asser being a Syriac word usually applied as a sirname to the kings of that country; as Teglat Phael…Asser; Nabon…Asser; he; I say; formed a conjecture equally absurd; for as we usually say ek to biblion kubernetes; which implies that books will never teach the world; so he attempted to investigateBut; Sir; I ask pardon; I am straying from the question。'That he actually was; nor could I for my life see how the creation of the world had any thing to do with the business I was talking of; but it was sufficient to shew me that he was a man of letters; and I now reverenced him the more。 I was resolved therefore to bring him to the touch…stone; but he was too mild and too gentle to contend for victory。 Whenever I made any observation that looked like a challenge to controversy; he would smile; shake his head; and say nothing; by which I understood he could say much; if he thought proper。 The subject therefore insensibly changed from the business of antiquity to that which brought us both to the fair; mine I told him was to sell an horse; and very luckily; indeed; his was to buy one for one of his tenants。 My horse was soon produced; and in fine we struck a bargain。 Nothing now remained but to pay me; and he accordingly pulled out a thirty pound note; and bid me change it。 Not being in a capacity of complying with his demand; he ordered his footman to be called up; who made his appearance in a very genteel livery。 'Here; Abraham;' cried he; 'go and get gold for this; you'll do it at neighbour Jackson's; or any where。' While the fellow was gone; he entertained me with a pathetic harangue on the great scarcity of silver; which I undertook to improve; by deploring also the great scarcity of gold; so that by the time Abraham returned; we had both agreed that money was never so hard to be come at as now。 Abraham returned to inform us; that he had been over the whole fair and could not get change; tho' he had offered half a crown for doing it。 This was a very great disappointment to us all; but the old gentleman having paused a little; asked me if I knew one Solomon Flamborough in my part of the country: upon replying that he was my next door neighbour; 'if that be the case then;' returned he; 'I believe we shall deal。 You shall have a draught upon him; payable at sight; and let me tell you he is as warm a man as any within five miles round him。 Honest Solomon and I have been acquainted for many years together。 I remember I always beat him at threejumps; but he could hop upon one leg farther than I。' A draught upon my neighbour was to me the same as money; for I was sufficiently convinced of his ability: the draught was signed and put into my hands; and Mr Jenkinson; the old gentleman; his man Abraham; and my horse; old Blackberry; trotted off very well pleased with each other。

After a short interval being left to reflection; I began to recollect that I had done wrong in taking a draught from a stranger; and so prudently resolved upon following the purchaser; and having back my horse。 But this was now too late: I therefore made directly hom
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