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the vicar of wakefield-第27部分

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orward; that all the country praised the young bride's beauty; and the bridegroom's fine person; and that they were immensely fond of each other; concluding; that he could not help thinking Mr Thornhill one of the most happy men in the world。

'Why let him if he can;' returned I: 'but; my son; observe this bed of straw; and unsheltering roof; those mouldering walls; and humid floor; my wretched body thus disabled by fire; and my children weeping round me for bread; you have come home; my child; to all this; yet here; even here; you see a man that would not for a thousand worlds exchange situations。 O; my children; if you could but learn to commune with your own hearts; and know what noble company you can make them; you would little regard the elegance and splendours of the worthless。 Almost all men have been taught to call life a passage; and themselves the travellers。 The similitude still may be improved when we observe that the good are joyful and serene; like travellers that are going towards home; the wicked but by intervals happy; like travellers that are going into exile。'

My compassion for my poor daughter; overpowered by this new disaster; interrupted what I had farther to observe。 I bade her mother support her; and after a short time she recovered。 She appeared from that time more calm; and I imagined had gained a new degree of resolution; but appearances deceived me; for her tranquility was the langour of over…wrought resentment。 A supply of provisions; charitably sent us by my kind parishioners; seemed to diffuse new cheerfulness amongst the rest of the family; nor was I displeased at seeing them once more sprightly and at ease。 It would have been unjust to damp their satisfactions; merely to condole with resolute melancholy; or to burthen them with a sadness they did not feel。 Thus; once more; the tale went round and the song was demanded; and cheerfulness condescended to hover round our little habitation。


Fresh calamities

The next morning the sun rose with peculiar warmth for the season; so that we agreed to breakfast together on the honeysuckle bank: where; while we sate; my youngest daughter; at my request; joined her voice to the concert on the trees about us。 It was in this place my poor Olivia first met her seducer; and every object served to recall her sadness。 But that melancholy; which is excited by objects of pleasure; or inspired by sounds of harmony; sooths the heart instead of corroding it。 Her mother too; upon this occasion; felt a pleasing distress; and wept; and loved her daughter as before。 'Do; my pretty Olivia;' cried she; 'let us have that little melancholy air your pappa was so fond of; your sister Sophy has already obliged us。 Do child; it will please your old father。' She complied in a manner so exquisitely pathetic as moved me。

When lovely woman stoops to folly; And finds too late that men betray; What charm can sooth her melancholy; What art can wash her guilt away?

The only art her guilt to cover; To hide her shame from every eye; To give repentance to her lover; And wring his bosomis to die。

As she was concluding the last stanza; to which an interruption in her voice from sorrow gave peculiar softness; the appearance of Mr Thornhill's equipage at a distance alarmed us all; but particularly encreased the uneasiness of my eldest daughter; who; desirous of shunning her betrayer; returned to the house with her sister。 In a few minutes he was alighted from his chariot; and making up to the place where I was still sitting; enquired after my health with his usual air of familiarity。 'Sir;' replied I; 'your present assurance only serves to aggravate the baseness of your character; and there was a time when I would have chastised your insolence; for presuming thus to appear before me。 But now you are safe; for age has cooled my passions; and my calling restrains them。'

'I vow; my dear sir;' returned he; 'I am amazed at all this; nor can I understand what it means! I hope you don't think your daughter's late excursion with me had any thing criminal in it。'

'Go;' cried I; 'thou art a wretch; a poor pitiful wretch; and every way a lyar; but your meanness secures you from my anger! Yet sir; I am descended from a family that would not have borne this! And so; thou vile thing; to gratify a momentary passion; thou hast made one poor creature wretched for life; and polluted a family that had nothing but honour for their portion。'

'If she or you;' returned he; 'are resolved to be miserable; I cannot help it。 But you may still be happy; and whatever opinion you may have formed of me; you shall ever find me ready to contribute to it。 We can marry her to another in a short time; and what is more; she may keep her lover beside; for I protest I shall ever continue to have a true regard for her。'

I found all my passions alarmed at this new degrading proposal; for though the mind may often be calm under great injuries; little villainy can at any time get within the soul; and sting it into rage。'Avoid my sight; thou reptile;' cried I; 'nor continue to insult me with thy presence。 Were my brave son at home; he would not suffer this; but I am old; and disabled; and every way undone。'

'I find;' cried he; 'you are bent upon obliging me to talk in an harsher manner than I intended。 But as I have shewn you what may be hoped from my friendship; it may not be improper to represent what may be the consequences of my resentment。 My attorney; to whom your late bond has been transferred; threatens hard; nor do I know how to prevent the course of justice; except by paying the money myself; which; as I have been at some expences lately; previous to my intended marriage; is not so easy to be done。 And then my steward talks of driving for the rent: it is certain he knows his duty; for I never trouble myself with affairs of that nature。 Yet still I could wish to serve you; and even to have you and your daughter present at my marriage; which is shortly to be solemnized with Miss Wilmot; it is even the request of my charming Arabella herself; whom I hope you will not refuse。'

'Mr Thornhill;' replied I; 'hear me once for all: as to your marriage with any but my daughter; that I never will consent to; and though your friendship could raise me to a throne; or your resentment sink me to the grave; yet would I despise both。 Thou hast once wofully; irreparably; deceived me。 I reposed my heart upon thine honour; and have found its baseness。 Never more; therefore; expect friendship from me。 Go; and possess what fortune has given thee; beauty; riches; health; and pleasure。 Go; and leave me to want; infamy; disease; and sorrow。 Yet humbled as I am; shall my heart still vindicate its dignity; and though thou hast my forgiveness; thou shalt ever have my contempt。'

'If so;' returned he; 'depend upon it you shall feel the effects of this insolence; and we shall shortly see which is the fittest object of scorn; you or me。'Upon which he departed abruptly。

My wife and son; who were present at this interview; seemed terrified with the apprehension。 My daughters also; finding that he was gone; came out to be informed of the result of our conference; which; when known; alarmed them not less than the rest。 But as to myself; I disregarded the utmost stretch of his malevolence: he had already struck the blow; and now I stood prepared to repel every new effort。 Like one of those instruments used in the art of war; which; however thrown; still presents a point to receive the enemy。

We soon; however; found that he had not threatened in vain; for the very next morning his steward came to demand my annual rent; which; by the train of accidents already related; I was unable to pay。 The consequence of my incapacity was his driving my cattle that evening; and their being appraised and sold the next day for less than half their value。 My wife and children now therefore entreated me to comply upon any terms; rather than incur certain destruction。 They even begged of me to admit his visits once more; and used all their little eloquence to paint the calamities I was going to endure。 The terrors of a prison; in so rigorous a season as the present; with the danger; that threatened my health from the late accident that happened by the fire。 But I continued inflexible。

'Why; my treasures;' cried I; 'why will you thus attempt to persuade me to the thing that is not right! My duty has taught me to forgive him; but my conscience will not permit me to approve。 Would you have me applaud to the world what my heart must internally condemn? Would you have me tamely sit down and flatter our infamous betrayer; and to avoid a prison continually suffer the more galling bonds of mental confinement! No; never。 If we are to be taken from this abode; only let us hold to the right; and wherever we are thrown; we can still retire to a charming apartment; when we can look round our own hearts with intrepidity and with pleasure!'

In this manner we spent that evening。 Early the next morning; as the snow had fallen in great abundance in the night; my son was employed in clearing it away; and opening a passage before the door。 He had not been thus engaged long; when he came running in; with looks all pale; to tell us that two str
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