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the vicar of wakefield-第37部分

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whatever was necessary to make a genteel appearance。 He now therefore

entered; handsomely drest in his regimentals; and; without vanity; (for I am above it) he appeared as handsome a fellow as ever wore a military dress。 As he entered; he made Miss Wilmot a modest and distant bow; for he was not as yet acquainted with the change which the eloquence of his mother had wrought in his favour。 But no decorums could restrain the impatience of his blushing mistress to be forgiven。 Her tears; her looks; all contributed to discover the real sensations of her heart for having forgotten her former promise and having suffered herself to be deluded by an impostor。 My son appeared amazed at her condescension; and could scarce believe it real。'Sure; madam;' cried he; 'this is but delusion! I can never have merited this! To be; blest thus is to be too happy。''No; Sir;' replied she; 'I have been deceived; basely deceived; else nothing could have ever made me unjust to my promise。 You know my friendship; you have long known it; but forget what I have done; and as you once had my warmest vows of constancy; you shall now have them repeated; and be assured that if your Arabella cannot be yours; she shall never be another's。' 'And no other's you shall be;' cried Sir William; 'if I have any influence with your father。'

This hint was sufficient for my son Moses; who immediately flew to the inn where the old gentleman was; to inform him of every circumstance that had happened。 But in the mean time the 'Squire perceiving that he was on every side undone; now finding that no hopes were left from flattery or dissimulation; concluded that his wisest way would be to turn and face his pursuers。 Thus laying aside all shame; he appeared the open hardy villain。 'I find then;' cried he; 'that I am to expect no justice here; but I am resolved it shall be done me。 You shall know; Sir;' turning to Sir William; 'I am no longer a poor dependent upon your favours。 I scorn them。 Nothing can keep Miss Wilmot's fortune from me; which; I thank her father's assiduity; is pretty large。 The articles; and a bond for her fortune; are signed; and safe in my possession。 It was her fortune; not her person; that induced me to wish for this match; and possessed of the one; let who will take the other。'

This was an alarming blow; Sir William was sensible of the justice of his claims; for he had been instrumental in drawing up the marriage articles himself。 Miss Wilmot therefore perceiving that her fortune was irretrievably lost; turning to my son; she asked if the loss of fortune could lessen her value to him。 'Though fortune;' said she; 'is out of my power; at least I have my hand to give。'

'And that; madam;' cried her real lover; 'was indeed all that you ever had to give; at least all that I ever thought worth the acceptance。 And now I protest; my Arabella; by all that's happy; your want of fortune this moment encreases my pleasure; as it serves to convince my sweet girl of my sincerity。'

Mr Wilmot now entering; he seemed not a little pleased at the danger his daughter had just escaped; and readily consented to a dissolution of the match。 But finding that her fortune; which was secured to Mr Thornhill by bond; would not be given up; nothing could exceed his disappointment。 He now saw that his money must all go to enrich one who had no fortune of his own。 He could bear his being a rascal; but to want an equivalent to his daughter's fortune was wormwood。 He sate therefore for some minutes employed in the most mortifying speculations; till Sir William attempted to lessen his anxiety。'I must confess; Sir' cried he; 'that your present disappointment does not entirely displease me。 Your immoderate passion for wealth is now justly punished。 But tho' the young lady cannot be rich; she has still a competence sufficient to give content。 Here you see an honest young soldier; who is willing to take her without fortune; they have long loved each other; and for the friendship I bear his father; my interest shall not be wanting in his promotion。 Leave then that ambition which disappoints you; and for once admit that happiness which courts your acceptance。'

'Sir William;' replied the old gentleman; 'be assured I never yet forced her inclinations; nor will I now。 If she still continues to love this young gentleman; let her have him with all my heart。 There is still; thank heaven; some fortune left; and your promise will make it something more。 Only let my old friend here (meaning me) give me a promise of settling six thousand pounds upon my girl; if ever he should come to his fortune; and I am ready this night to be the first to join them together。'

As it now remained with me to make the young couple happy; I readily gave a promise of making the settlement he required; which; to one who had such little expectations as I; was no great favour。 We had now therefore the satisfaction of seeing them fly into each other's arms in a transport。 'After all my misfortunes;' cried my son George; 'to be thus rewarded! Sure this is more than I could ever have presumed to hope for。 To be possessed of all that's good; and after such an interval of pain! My warmest wishes could never rise so high!''Yes; my George;' returned his lovely bride; 'now let the wretch take my fortune; since you are happy without it so am I。 O what an exchange have I made from the basest of men to the dearest best!Let him enjoy our fortune; I now can be happy even in indigence。''And I promise you;' cried the 'Squire; with a malicious grin; 'that I shall be very happy with what you despise。''Hold; hold; Sir;' cried Jenkinson; 'there are two words to that bargain。 As for that lady's fortune; Sir; you shall never touch a single stiver of it。 Pray your honour;' continued he to Sir William; 'can the 'Squire have this lady's fortune if he be married to another?' 'How can you make such a simple demand;' replied the Baronet; 'undoubtedly he cannot。''I am sorry for that;' cried Jenkinson; 'for as this gentleman and I have been old fellow spotters; I have a friendship for him。 But I must declare; well as I love him; that his contract is not worth a tobacco stopper; for he is married already。''You lie; like a rascal;' returned the 'Squire; who seemed rouzed by this insult; 'I never was legally married to any woman。''Indeed; begging your honour's pardon;' replied the other; 'you were; and I hope you will shew a proper return of friendship to your own honest Jenkinson; who brings you a wife; and if the company restrains their curiosity a few minutes; they shall see her。'So saying he went off with his usual celerity; and left us all unable to form any probable conjecture as to his design。'Ay let him go;' cried the 'Squire; 'whatever else I may have done I defy him there。 I am too old now to be frightened with squibs。'

'I am surprised;' said the Baronet; 'what the fellow can intend by this。 Some low piece of humour I suppose!''Perhaps; Sir;' replied I; 'he may have a more serious meaning。 For when we reflect on the various schemes this gentleman has laid to seduce innocence; perhaps some one more artful than the rest has been found able to deceive him。 When we consider what numbers he has ruined; how many parents now feel with anguish the infamy and the contamination which he has brought into their families; it would not surprise me if some one of themAmazement! Do I see my lost daughter! Do I hold her! It is; it is my life; my happiness。 I thought thee lost; my Olivia; yet still I hold theeand still thou shalt live to bless me。'The warmest transports of the fondest lover were not greater than mine when I saw him introduce my child; and held my daughter in my arms; whose silence only spoke her raptures。 'And art thou returned to me; my darling;' cried I; 'to be my comfort in age!''That she is;' cried Jenkinson; 'and make much of her; for she is your own honourable child; and as honest a woman as any in the whole room; let the other be who she will。 And as for you 'Squire; as sure as you stand there this young lady is your lawful wedded wife。 And to convince you that I speak nothing but truth; here is the licence by which you were married together。'So saying; he put the licence into the Baronet's hands; who read it; and found it perfect in every respect。 'And now; gentlemen;' continued he; I find you are surprised at all this; but a few words will explain the difficulty。 That there 'Squire of renown; for whom I have a great friendship; but that's between ourselves; as often employed me in doing odd little things for him。 Among the rest; he commissioned me to procure him a false licence and a false priest; in order to deceive this young lady。 But as I was very much his friend; what did I do but went and got a true licence and a true priest; and married them both as fast as the cloth could make them。 Perhaps you'll think it was generosity that made me do all this。 But no。 To my shame I confess it; my only design was to keep the licence and let the 'Squire know that I could prove it upon him whenever I thought proper; and so make him come down whenever I wanted money。' A burst of pleasure now seemed to fill the whole apartment; our joy reached even to the common room; where the prisoners themselves sympathized;

  And shook their chains   In 
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