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eam that is expressed through human creativity in the dane of life。 
Essential Oil:  Anise 
Anise is a lovely oil associated with Licorice as well as Ouzo; a Greek liqueur。 Anise reminds us to run our sexual energy to maintain our vibration and continue to ascend ahead。  Anise when ingested helps digestion by turning on the sexual flow which turns on the digestive system and leads to greater movement of energy to digest spiritual life lessons。  In the physical; anise like star anise dissipates gas leading to less fermentation in physical digestion。  There are many records of sexual energy flow lost to the anise herb kingdom。  mune with our kingdom to help retrieve your information on sexual energy flow for the purposes of ascension ahead。  Anise reminds initiates to allow the sexual flow in self and all others; especially emerging teenagers; as the sexual energy is required to ascend and sustain the vibration mastered。 
Essential Oil:  Chamomile 
Chamomile makes a somewhat pungent essential oil that can be soothing to some skin types。  Whereas Mila prefers rosemary; lavender and eucalyptus in her bath; Oa's skin prefers rosemary; lavender and chamomile oils instead。  Chamomile oil sooths dry pockets of skin that Oa is transmuting in his ascension and stimulates the hair follicles to release toxins。  Chamomile tea is a soothing drink to ease excess stomach acid。  Chamomile reminds us to be friends with ourselves first; making peace with discordant ancestors and parts of selves。  As you befriend you; then friendships naturally unfold in unity in the dance of life。 
Essential Oil:  Palmarosa 
Palmarosa oil is an oil that is anti viral and useful in internal and external infections。  The oil sooths the mucous membranes of nasal passages and the throat in the event of a sore throat。  Palmarosa is useful to clear the energy field of unwanted nonphysical discord and entities when spritzed in the environment or released in the air via an essential oil burner; or used in a perfume blend。  Palmarosa reminds initiates to remain in munion with body; soul; earth; nature and your ancestors。  In a state of munion; only that which resonates can remain within one's field or environment and you are supported each step of your ascension ahead。  There are records in Palmarosa for how patterns of munion were spun in more ancient times。  mune with our kingdom to retrieve your ancestral records for a deeper level of munion。 
Essential Oil:  Clary Sage
Clary sage is an essential oil that much like sage has a cleansing affect upon one's field and environment and has a sweet smell。  Clary sage has a astringent quality that will assist in removing excess fluid from the skin。  If one has puffy eyes or feet; adding clary sage oil to carrier oils or your creams and lotions and apply to the skin and it can assist。  Clary sage oil reminds us to surrender to the dance of life rather than holding on to the past。  It is in holding on to the past that we stagnate; and stagnation can be equated to water retention in ascension。  Let go and join the dance; surrendering to the moment; and you will carry on in your ascension ahead。 
Essential Oil:  Fennel 
Fennel oil has a lovely smell that is reminiscent of licorice。  Fennel oil and seed can aid in digestion allowing for less fermentation or gas。  Fennel seed is different from anise and star anise as it does not dissipate the gas as much as block the gassy substances from breaking down so that they pass through the intestines in ease。  Fennel oil stimulates the nervous system allowing tension to dissipate。  Fennel reminds us to learn to live in harmony and unity with one another by finding harmony and unity within。  As each finds harmony and unity within; then ascending munity can be born as the group will e together in unity and harmony。 
Essential Oil:  Peppermint 
Peppermint oil is a nice stimulant for the skin and mucous membranes and causes cells to regenerate。 In regeneration; new cells do not grow but instead what is distorted is corrected in the cell metabolism so that the cell regenerates。  Peppermint has acids necessary to cause cellular regeneration。  It is therefore a useful oil to add to one's bath; toothpaste and skin and hair products to support regeneration。  Consumption of peppermint leaf or mint tea also helps the digestive system regenerate in the physical。  Upon a nonphysical level; peppermint allows for honest munication of one's truth; and honest perception of the unconscious dance that surrounds yourself。  Inhale a little peppermint oil and then look again at the patterns you are seeking to understand and you will find honest illumination。 
Essential Oil:  Spearmint 
Spearmint oil is also a stimulant that is more useful for the mucous membranes than perhaps the skin。  Spearmint causes the mucous membranes to release enough fluid or mucous to allow for protection from the digestive enzymes in one's mouth or stomach。  Perhaps it is for this reason that spearmint can be very soothing to the digestive system。  In the nonphysical; spearmint helps align munication by triggering a mon language that all understand。  At this time all kingdoms are relying upon the language of light as the primary symbols and thought…form for munication。  Spearmint also hosts records of ancient languages that your ancestors lost over time。  mune with our kingdom to retrieve your records on languages so that you can better attune unto the language of light。 
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