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#39Dance of Life

#43Unseen Worlds

Nature: Active
The Symbols 'Dance of Life' and 'Unseen Worlds' unite to bee 'Production'
Production animates and individualizes possibility through flow or movement in a direction as the stream brings life and definition to that which it touches。 The invoking or applying of Production in the creative act provides for a more plex creation whose existence allows for the existence of other creations。 The inter…relation allows for one creation to be at least partially defined in relation to another creation。 The accumulated inter…related group then takes on an existence and evolution all of its own。


#47Human Species
#88…Cast of Characters
Nature: Passive
The Symbols 'munity' and 'Human Species' unite to bee 'Cast of Characters'
Cast of Characters allows for the blending of individualized possibility; underlying; anchoring; and providing for the creational learning experience possibilities。 Cast of Characters provides the inter…connection whereby large creational possibilities can be rooted or characterized by small inter…relations of which the whole is much greater than the summation of the individualized pieces and parts。 Cast of Characters allows for expanded possibility。 The actual expansion is a function of the conscious desire of ponents to evolve。

#46Land Based Worlds

#47Human Species
#89… Civilization 
Nature: Integrative
The Symbols 'Land Based Worlds' and 'Human Species' unite to bee 'Civilization'
Civilization organizes ponents of thought into a distinct experiential blending or creation; which fulfills upon the fullness of possibility inherent in the ponents。 The integrative or organizational nature of this tone when applied to the ponents of a creation imbues the creation with a consciousness in collaboration with each of the ponents; which is simultaneously contributed to and enhanced by each of the ponent consciousness。 This type of consciousness can only be whole while a balanced giving and receiving is expressed by each ponent。 Anything less and the whole begins to fracture。


#43Unseen Worlds
#90…One World
Nature: pletion
The Symbols 'Oneness' and 'Unseen Worlds' unite to bee 'One World'
One World; as a pletion tone; bines or manages the previous group of tones into a cohesive unit providing for wholeness in this aspect of the creative process。 Creations that embody all the modulations of One World have a subtlety in their organization; which allows for expansion in harmony with each ponent。 This is so as One World maintains the creational balance in relationship with each creational unit。


#44Unspoken Worlds

#91… Other Worlds
Nature: Active
The Symbols 'External' and 'Unspoken Worlds' unite to bee 'Other Worlds'
Other Worlds represents and expands the fullness of experiential possibility in providing multiple layers of expression to take thought forms to pletion。 Other World may be thought of as the evolutionary push that desires full expansion of any thought into all possible binations with other thoughts。 As such Other Worlds seeks to bine and rebine in its evolutionary fervor; always allowing the whole to understand the accumulated sense of self。


#44Unspoken Worlds
#92…One Universe
Nature: Passive
The Symbols 'Oneness' and 'Unspoken Worlds' unite to bee 'One Universe'
One Universe provides the energetic interconnection to interweave layers of expression into an integrated whole allowing the multiplicity of expression in the multitude of form。 As Other Worlds provides the desire to expand in a direction; One Universe provides the ability to connect and allow such an expansion。 One Universe in the fullness of expression provides for all possible movement within the constraint to the original animating thought form。


#48God Goddess/All That Is
#93…Other Universes
Nature: Integrative
The Symbols 'External' and 'God Goddess' unite to bee 'Other Universes'
Other Universes creates an expanding wholeness for the continued movement of expression much as a moving; faceted; mirrored ball allows the display of many angles of reflected light。 Other Universes creates expansion viewing itself from the inside and acknowledges growth and evolution viewing itself from the outside。 As the expansion moves towards pletion; the facets loose their definition back into the whole。


#48God Goddess/All That Is
#94… All That Is
Nature: Active
The Symbols 'Oneness' and 'God Goddess' unite to bee 'All That Is'
All That Is expands in all directions in all possible ways within the possibility of the original thought creation。 The integration of this tone provides the push towards pletion for any thought。 The push for pletion may well create a multiplicity of creations each exploring multiple binations of possibility for the originating thought form。

#48God Goddess/All That Is

#48God Goddess/All That Is
#95… Infinite
Nature: Passive
The Symbols 'God Goddess' and 'God Goddess' unite to bee 'Infinite'
Infinite allows the bination of possibility to create that which would not otherwise be。 This form of linking brings forth the unknown。 This expression of God Goddess uses the fullness of the thought of God Goddess to create the internal binations that are only possible after the other possibilities have e to pletion and yet a lack of wholeness is experienced。 The links to bring forth the unknown require balance。 Anything less will cause a spin into distortion。

#48God Goddess/All That Is


#48God Goddess/All That Is
#96…Infinate Magnitude
Nature: Major pletion
The Symbols 'God Goddess'; 'Go
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