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e land in one's ancestry。  Turquoise will also assist initiates in muning with the element of earth。

Mineral:  Rutile 
Rutile is holding the tone of human species in the language of light。  The human species holds a special function upon earth which is related to the ability to discern patterns through the dance of life of a cast of characters。  Rutile assists initiates in understanding the ancestral cast of characters that one is related to so that one may release the related karma and ascend。  One can say that Rutile assists one in connecting to their ancient ancestors。

Mineral:  Diamond 
Diamond is holding the vibration of God Goddess within the language of light。  Diamond will assist initiates in tuning into the magnificence of one's own god goddess within。  Diamond will also assist initiates in embracing all others as god goddess in form。


The Herb Kingdom through Karen Danrich 〃Mila〃 
May 29; 2006
药草王国通过Karen Danrich 〃Mila〃传递
pdf of Tri…Tones and Herbs   三音调和药草Pdf文档下载
Dear Beloved Ascending Human;
There has been much written about herbs in the many articles that we have posted upon this web site to date。  See 〃Language of Light and Herbs〃 that share of the 48 herbs and single tones associated with ascending the biology to a new 〃crystalline〃 and regenerative structure。  See also 〃Working with Herbs and Essential Oils in Ascension〃 for some general information on how the herbal and flower kingdoms supports healing through evolution。  Also 〃Chinese Herbs and Ascension〃 for some general tonic herbs that support and correct the energy flow through the meridian system for maximum health and continued resurrection of the body。
The below information is herbal binations that are useful in treating certain physical symptoms that can be problematic in ascension from time to time; as well as support those who are choosing to ascend out of disease。  Herbs are very specific unto each human; and therefore the list of herbs presented in a suggested grouping for specific problematic conditions。  Ascension causes cycles through the body in a specific order; and therefore the requirement for certain herbs may be only necessary in given times of the year that one is altering a particular part of the biology to crystalline genetics。  The Herb Kingdom remends the 〃plete Ascension Workbook〃 for a thorough set of information on causing the entire biology to bee crystalline through intention as written by Terra; or the consciousness of earth。
It is up to each human to muscle test if each herb is useful unto your own personal condition; and only choose those that are。  Also it is up to each human to muscle test or pendulum the dosages of each herb to be taken; as it may vary from as little as 5 drops of a particular herbal tincture to 35 drops; 1; 2 to 3 times per day。  Also the length of time that you may put yourself on any particular treatment may also vary from several weeks to many months or longer; and should be muscle tested; as taking herbs after they are plete with the healing offered only creates more toxins that the body must remove。
Some binations that are most useful at any time of ascension may also cross over the various groupings listed below。  A particular condition may require most remended herbs from one section below; and a few others from other groupings。  There are also some herbs not listed below that are upon our Language of Light and Herb List that may also be useful; and so perhaps crosschecking with all 48 herbs and adding those that are additionally required is best。
Herbal tinctures can be made from teas containing the herb in a dried form。  You can boil one cup of water and add 4 tea bags of the associated dried herb allowing it to diffuse for 3 hours。  Then reduce the water by boiling off the excess until you have a few tablespoons of syrup。  Place 1 portion of the syrup with 1 portion vodka or vegetable glycerin in a clean dropper bottle。  To clean the dropper bottle; place 10 drops colloidal silver and add water to the bottle and allow it to stand for 1 hour。  Pour out the water and fill with the herbal syrup and glycerin or vodka。 
Another manner of creating herbal tinctures is to put 1/4 cup of loose herbs of choice in a jar with 1 cup vodka。  You can use either dried or fresh herbs from your garden in making the tincture。  Put the jar in a dark cool place and allow the herb to diffuse into the vodka for 3…4 weeks for dried herbs and 1…2 weeks for fresh herbs。  Shake the jar every few days for maximum diffusion。  Strain and pour into cleaned tincture bottles。  If you have not the time; you can also contact Sherry Stapleton who makes the herbal tinctures for those in our school and works directly with the herb kingdom to do so。  
制作药草酊剂的另一种方法是,在一个玻璃广口瓶里放入1/4杯你所选择的松散药草,再放入1杯伏特加。你可以用干药草,也可以用你花园里种植的新鲜药草来制作酊剂。把广口瓶放在阴凉处,让药草成份扩散进伏特加,干草药放3…4星期,新鲜草药放1…2星期。每天摇晃广口瓶,以让药草能最大地扩散。压紧并倒入干净的酊剂瓶。如果你没有时间,你也可以与Sherry Stapleton联系,她直接与药草王国合作,为我们学校的成员们制作了药草酊剂。*2
There are also tinctures available on…line as well as through local heath food stores。  The herbal kingdom remends blessing the tinctures procured and attuning them unto the associated kingdom for maximum healing benefit。  Simply hold the tincture in your hand for a few minutes with this intention and so it will be。 Take only the dosage of each herbal tincture that you muscle test or pendulum to be suited to your particular physical condition。  Alcohol is useful as it will hold other vibrations that glycerin will not。  You can bless the tincture with the alcohol calling upon the consciousness of the herbs to participate in your healing through the 〃medicine〃 taken。  
Herbs can better asses the circumstance from inside the body once we have been consumed。  There are now a Temple of Herbal and Vegetable Kingdom Assessment for this purpose in the Healing Temples for Ascension in the aurora 。  You can attune to our temple in meditation or dreamtime to receive your assessment once you have consumed the herbs for a few days that you muscle test to ingest。  The herbal kingdom will assess genetic and energetic anomalies from inside your field that require altering in order for he
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