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 assess genetic and energetic anomalies from inside your field that require altering in order for health to be restored in any part of the body through ascension; or health to be maintained in future ascension。  Then you can make the appropriate intentions to release the associated karma and anchor the new DNA that will correct the patterning that has gone into distortion in addition to continuing to take your 〃medicine〃。  If you have difficulty hearing what the herbal kingdom has to say; there are many that offer consultations associated with us from this web site。  See 〃Consultations〃 for more information。
The bination of herbs below also assist in learning Tri…Tone concepts of the Language of Light。  Tri…Tones are creational concepts。  Your body is your own creation。  In learning to address the body as an entire creation; one can pull parts of the body that are ill or in discord into better harmony leading to better overall health for the continued evolution 〃home〃。  Tri Tone concepts are also related to the new dream of the Great Central Sun that Terra (earth) is entering at this time。  The Tri Tones will therefore assist more humans in crossing into the new dream and learning what it takes to amalgamate and balance light and dark enough to do so。  It is for this reason that we offer this information at this time in history。
Not all Tri…Tones are incorporated as herbal remedies at this time and in the below information。  Only 13 of the 44 Tri Tones are listed but are perceived as the most important to learn in order to create overall harmony and synergy between various parts of the biology to sustain maximum health in ascension; as well as anchor a new rotational energy flow that can enter the Great Central Sun Dream。
We hope that each finds this information useful in your continued evolution。  
The Herbal Kingdom
Terra; The Consciousness of Earth
6。精油和光之语单音调   Post By:2008…7…25 10:30:24 
Essential Oils and Single Tones
The Fruits; Herbs and Flowering Kingdoms through Karen Danrich 〃Mila〃 September 28; 2007
果实、药草和有花王国透过Karen Danrich 〃Mila〃 2007年9月28日
Translated by 流星似火 2007…10…15
Many essential oils may be useful in ascension。  The fruit; herb and flowering kingdoms wish to provide information on the language of light tones that essential oils made from various fruits; herbs and flowering kingdoms hold。  Oils from herbs; fruits and flowers have been made since the original red nations peoples were seeded upon earth。  Over time and through many falls in consciousness; human genetic information became trapped in some kingdoms used for essential oils。  
Essential oils are soothing to the senses; allow for the dissipation of density in the auric field; and can also have tonic effects upon the body if ingested in small amounts。  One way to work with essential oils is to place a little upon the finger and brush the tongue。  The brushing of the tongue will stimulate the digestive system and cause one to assimilate one's spiritual lessons in the dance of ascension。  Citrus oils are useful for this and taste sweet or sour not unlike the fruit associated。  Eucalyptus is also useful for the purposes of stimulating digestion and also contains a certain fatty acid that some crystalline nervous systems require to sustain consciousness and understanding unity based principals。 (Always muscle test before using。)  We suggest using organic steam distilled essential oils for ingestion。
Use of essential oils is another way also to connect and mune with the herb; fruit and flower kingdoms associated。  In the munion; genetic records lost in our kingdoms can be uncovered and returned for your continued ascension。  And so we invite you to mune with us while using essential oils in your home made creams; lotions; salt scrubs or in the bath each night。  
See How to Work with Herbs and Essential Oils for more information and some lovely homemade spritzers; creams and toothpaste recipes; also From the Gum and Eucalyptus Trees for recipes for homemade skin lotions; and From the Flowering Plants Trees and Bees for a new regeneration oil recipe that feeds the skin and is also useful unto ascension; and From the Sweet Smelling Plumaria Blossoms for homemade perfumes and non…toxic cleaning substances。  Essential oils of any kind can be added to these recipes to further put you in munion with our kingdoms in their use and also provide healing to the skin。 Also see Tri Tones and Herbs for herbal supplements useful in supporting ascending biology。
The Fruit; Flower and Herb Kingdoms果实、花朵和药草王国

Essential Oil:  Geranium 
Geranium flowers have a beautiful and powerful scent that Mila has long loved。  Geranium assists in allowing for the release of karmic ties that bind along with contracts and agreements that have been forgiven。  Geranium is therefore a lovely perfume to wear daily; and Mila often applies this scent alone or in bination with others as her perfume。
Essential Oil:  Lavender 
Lavender is a useful essential oil for the skin and for the mucous membranes。  Lavender assists the skin in regenerating and has many acids that are supportive for healing dry skin conditions。  Lavender oil is useful to mix with lemon and clove oil to help heal the gums and teeth; or for a toothache。  Lavender provides the tone of creation related to structure which creates a new movement of energy flow that is rotational and magnetic amongst those who are ascending。  
Essential Oil:  Sandalwood
Sandalwood is a lovely essential oil for one's incense。  Sandalwood provides movement of energy within the field that allows authentic power to emerge。  Sandalwood reminds initiates to retrieve your power and forgive 
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