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within the law-第12部分

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as to the difficulties that would beset the effort; and in the face of the temptations offered to follow an easier path。

There was; for example; Aggie Lynch; a fellow convict; with whom she had a slight degree of acquaintance; nothing more。  This young woman; a criminal by training; offered allurements of illegitimate employment in the outer world when they should be free。  Mary endured the companionship with this prisoner because a sixth sense proclaimed the fact that here was one unmoral; rather than immoraland the difference is mighty。  For that reason; Aggie Lynch was not actively offensive; as were most of the others。  She was a dainty little blonde; with a baby face; in which were set two light…blue eyes; of a sort to widen often in demure wonder over most things in a surprising and naughty world。 She had been convicted of blackmail; and she made no pretense even of innocence。  Instead; she was inclined to boast over her ability to bamboozle men at her will。 She was a natural actress of the ingenue role; and in that pose she could unfailingly beguile the heart of the wisest of worldly men。

Perhaps; the very keen student of physiognomy might have discovered grounds for suspecting her demureness by reason of the thick; level brows that cast a shadow on the bland innocence of her face。  For the rest; she possessed a knack of rather harmless perversity; a fair smattering of grammar and spelling; and a lively sense of humor within her own limitations; with a particularly small intelligence in other directions。  Her one art was histrionics of the kind that made an individual appeal。  In such; she was inimitable。  She had been reared in a criminal family; which must excuse much。  Long ago; she had lost track of her father; her mother she had never known。  Her one relation was a brother of high standing as a pickpocket。  One principal reason of her success in leading on men to make fools of themselves over her; to their everlasting regret afterward; lay in the fact that; in spite of all the gross irregularities of her life; she remained chaste。  She deserved no credit for such restraint; since it was a matter purely of temperament; not of resolve。

The girl saw in Mary Turner the possibilities of a ladylike personality that might mean much financial profit in the devious ways of which she was a mistress。 With the frankness characteristic of her; she proceeded to paint glowing pictures of a future shared to the undoing of ardent and fatuous swains。  Mary Turner listened with curiosity; but she was in no wise moved to follow such a life; even though it did not necessitate anything worse than a fraudulent playing at love; without physical degradation。  So; she steadfastly continued her refusals; to the great astonishment of Aggie; who actually could not understand in the least; even while she believed the other's declaration of innocence of the crime for which she was serving a sentence。  But; for her own part; such innocence had nothing to do with the matter。  Where; indeed; could be the harm in making some old sinner pay a round price for his folly?  And always; in response to every argument; Mary shook her head in negation。  She would live straight。

Then; the heavy brows of Aggie would draw down a little; and the baby face would harden。

〃You will find that you are up against a hell of a frost;〃 she would declare; brutally。

Mary found the profane prophecy true。  Back in New York; she experienced a poverty more ravaging than any she had known in those five lean years of her working in the store。  She had been absolutely penniless for two days; and without food through the gnawing hours; when she at last found employment of the humblest in a milliner's shop。  Followed a blessed interval in which she worked contentedly; happy over the meager stipend; since it served to give her shelter and food honestly earned。

But the ways of the police are not always those of ordinary decency。  In due time; an officer informed Mary's employer concerning the fact of her record as a convict; and thereupon she was at once discharged。 The unfortunate victim of the law came perilously close to despair then。  Yet; her spirit triumphed; and again she persevered in that resolve to live straight。  Finally; for the second time; she secured a cheap position in a cheap shoponly to be again persecuted by the police; so that she speedily lost the place。

Nevertheless; indomitable in her purpose; she maintained the struggle。  A third time she obtained work; and there; after a little; she told her employer; a candy manufacturer in a small way; the truth as to her having been in prison。  The man had a kindly heart; and; in addition; he ran little risk in the matter; so he allowed her to remain。  When; presently; the police called his attention to the girl's criminal record; he paid no heed to their advice against retaining her services。  But such action on his part offended the greatness of the law's dignity。  The police brought pressure to bear on the man。  They even called in the assistance of Edward Gilder himself; who obligingly wrote a very severe letter to the girl's employer。  In the end; such tactics alarmed the man。  For the sake of his own interests; though unwillingly enough; he dismissed Mary from his service。

It was then that despair did come upon the girl。  She had tried with all the strength of her to live straight。 Yet; despite her innocence; the world would not let her live according to her own conscience。  It demanded that she be the criminal it had branded herif she were to live at all。  So; it was despair! For she would not turn to evil; and without such turning she could not live。  She still walked the streets falteringly; seeking some place; but her heart was gone from the quest。  Now; she was sunken in an apathy that saved her from the worst pangs of misery。  She had suffered so much; so poignantly; that at last her emotions had grown sluggish。  She did not mind much even when her tiny hoard of money was quite gone; and she roamed the city; starving。。。。 Came an hour when she thought of the river; and was glad!

Mary remembered; with a wan smile; how; long ago; she had thought with amazed horror of suicide; unable to imagine any trouble sufficient to drive one to death as the only relief。  Now; however; the thing was simple to her。  Since there was nothing else; she must turn to thatto death。  Indeed; it was so very simple; so final; and so easy; after the agonies she had endured; that she marveled over her own folly in not having sought such escape before。。。。 Even with the first wild fancy; she had unconsciously bent her steps westward toward the North River。  Now; she quickened her pace; anxious for the plunge that should set the term to sorrow。  In her numbed brain was no flicker of thought as to whatever might come to her afterward。  Her sole guide was that compelling passion of desire to be done with this unbearable present。  Nothing else matterednot in the least!

So; she came through the long stretch of ill…lighted streets; crossed some railroad tracks to a pier; over which she hurried to the far end; where it projected out to the fiercer currents of the Hudson。  There; without giving herself a moment's pause for reflection or hesitation; she leaped out as far as her strength permitted into the coil of waters。。。。 But; in that final second; natural terror in the face of death overcame the lethargy of despaira shriek burst from her lips。

But for that scream of fear; the story of Mary Turner had ended there and then。  Only one person was anywhere near to catch the sound。  And that single person heard。  On the south side of the pier a man had just tied up a motor…boat。  He stood up in alarm at the cry; and was just in time to gain a glimpse of a white face under the dim moonlight as it swept down with the tide; two rods beyond him。  On the instant; he threw off his coat and sprang far out after the drifting body。  He came to it in a few furious strokes; caught it。 Then began the savage struggle to save her and himself。 The currents tore at him wrathfully; but he fought against them with all the fierceness of his nature。  He had strength a…plenty; but it needed all of it; and more; to win out of the river's hungry clutch。  What saved the two of them was the violent temper of the man。 Always; it had been the demon to set him aflame。  To…night; there in the faint light; within the grip of the waters; he was moved to insensate fury against the element that menaced。  His rage mounted; and gave him new power in the battle。  Maniacal strength grew out of supreme wrath。  Under the urge of it; he conqueredat last brought himself and his charge to the shore。

When; finally; the rescuer was able to do something more than gasp chokingly; he gave anxious attention to the woman whom he had brought out from the river。 Yet; at the outset; he could not be sure that she still lived。  She had shown no sign of life at any time since he had first seized her。  That fact had been of incalculable advantage to him in his efforts to reach the shore with her。  Now; however; it alarmed him mightily; though it hardly seemed possible that she could have drowned。  So far as he could determine; she: had not even sunk once beneath the surface。  Never
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