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oliver twist(雾都孤儿(孤星血泪))-第83部分

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most to be avoided; he crossed into St。 John’s Road; and was soon 
deep in the obscurity of the intricate and dirty ways; which; lying 
between Gray’s Inn Lane and Smithfield; render that part of the 
town one of the lowest and worst that improvement has left in the 
midst of London。 

Through these streets; Noah Claypole walked; dragging 
Charlotte after him; now stepping into the kennel to embrace at a 
glance the whole external character of some small public…house; 
and now jogging on again; as some fancied appearance induced 
him to believe it too public for his purpose。 At length; he stopped 
in front of one; more humble in appearance and more dirty than 
any he had yet seen; and; having crossed over and surveyed it 
from the opposite pavement; graciously announced his intention 

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of putting up there; for the night。 

“So give us the bundle;” said Noah; unstrapping it from the 
woman’s shoulders; and slinging it over his own; “and don’t yer 
speak; except when yer spoke to。 What’s the name of the house—th…r—three what?” 

“Cripples;” said Charlotte。 

“Three Cripples;” repeated Noah; “and a very good sign too。 
Now; then! Keep close at my heels; and come along。” With these 
injunctions; he pushed the rattling door with his shoulder; and 
entered the house; followed by his companion。 

There was nobody in the bar but a young Jew; who; with his 
two elbows on the counter; was reading a dirty newspaper。 He 
stared very hard at Noah; and Noah stared very hard at him。 

If Noah had been attired in his charity…boy’s dress; there might 
have been some reason for the Jew opening his eyes so wide; but 
as he had discarded the coat and badge; and wore a short smock…
frock over his leathers; there seemed no particular reason for his 
appearance exciting so much attention in a public…house。 

“Is this the Three Cripples?” asked Noah。 

“That is the dabe of this ’ouse;” replied the Jew。 

“A gentleman we met on the road; coming up from the country; 
recommended us here;” said Noah; nudging Charlotte; perhaps to 
call her attention to this most ingenious device for attracting 
respect; and perhaps to warn her to betray no surprise。 “We want 
to sleep here tonight。” 

“I’b dot certaid you cad;” said Barney; who was the attendant 
sprite; “but I’ll idquire。” 

“Show us the tap; and give us a bit of cold meat and a drop of 
beer while yer inquiring; will yer?” said Noah。 Barney complied 

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by ushering them into a small back room; and setting the required 
viands before them; having done which; he informed the travellers 
that they could be lodged that night; and left the amiable couple to 
their refreshment。 

Now; this back room was immediately behind the bar; and 
some steps lower; so that any person connected with the house; 
undrawing a small curtain which concealed a single pane of glass 
fixed in the wall of the last…named apartment; about five feet from 
its flooring; could not only look down upon any guests in the back 
room without any great hazard of being observed (the glass being 
in a dark angle of the wall; between which and a large upright 
beam the observer had to thrust himself); but could; by applying 
his ear to the partition; ascertain with tolerable distinctness; their 
subject of conversation。 The landlord of the house had not 
withdrawn his eye from this place of espial for five minutes; and 
Barney had only just returned from making the communication 
above related; when Fagin; in the course of his evening’s business; 
came into the bar to inquire after some of his young pupils。 

“Hush!” said Barney; “stradegers id the next roob。” 

“Strangers!” repeated the old man in a whisper。 

“Ah! Ad rud uds too;” added Barney。 “Frob the cuttry; but 
subthig in your way; or I’b bistaked。” 

Fagin appeared to receive this communication with great 
interest。 Mounting a stool; he cautiously applied his eye to the 
pane of glass; from which secret post he could see Mr。 Claypole 
taking cold beef from the dish; and porter from the pot; and 
administering homeopathic doses of both to Charlotte; who sat 
patiently by; eating and drinking at his pleasure。 

“Aha!” he whispered; looking round to Barney; “I like that 

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fellow’s looks。 He’d be of use to us; he knows how to train the girl 
already。 Don’t make as much noise as a mouse; my dear; and let 
me hear ’em talk—let me hear ’em。” 

He again applied his eye to the glass; and turning his ear to the 
partition; listened attentively; with a subtle and eager look upon 
his face; that might have appertained to some old goblin。 

“So I mean to be a gentleman;” said Mr。 Claypole; kicking out 
his legs; and continuing a conversation; the commencement of 
which Fagin had arrived too late to hear。 “No more jolly old 
coffins; Charlotte; but a gentleman’s life for me; and; if yer like; yer 
shall be a lady。” 

“I should like that well enough; dear;” replied Charlotte; “but 
tills ain’t to be emptied every day; and people to get clear off after 

“Tills be blowed!” said Mr。 Claypole; “there’s more things 
besides tills to be emptied。” 

“What do you mean?” asked his companion。 

“Pockets; women’s ridicules; houses; mail…coaches; banks!” said 
Mr。 Claypole; rising with the porter。 

“But you can’t do all that; dear;” said Charlotte。 

“I shall look out to get into company with them as can;” replied 
Noah。 “They’ll be able to make us useful some way or another。 
Why; you yourself are worth fifty women; I never see such a 
precious sly and deceitful creetur as yer can be when I let yer。” 

“Lor; how nice it is to hear you say so!” exclaimed Charlotte; 
imprinting a kiss on his ugly face。 

“There; that’ll do; don’t yer be too affectionate; in case I’m cross 
with yer;” said Noah; disengaging himself with great gravity。 “I 
should like to be the captain of some band; and have the whopping 

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of ’em; and follering ’em about; unbeknown to themselves。 That 
would suit me; if there was good profit; and if we could only get in 
with some gentleman of this sort; I say it would be cheap at that 
twenty…pound note you’ve got—especially as we don’t very well 
know how to get rid of it ourselves。” 

After expressing this opinion; Mr。 Claypole looked into the 
porter…pot with an aspect of deep wisdom; and having well shaken 
its contents; nodded condescendingly to Charlotte; and took a 
draught; wherewith he appeared greatly refreshed。 He was 
meditating another; when the sudden opening of the door; and the 
appearance of a stranger; interrupted him。 

The stranger was Mr。 Fagin。 And very amiable he looked; and 
a…very low bow he made; as he advanced; and setting himself 
down at the nearest table; ordered something to drink of the 
grinning Barney。 

“A pleasant night; sir; but cool for the time of year;” said Fagin; 
rubbing his hands。 “From the country; I see; sir?” 

“How do yer see that?” asked Noah Claypole。 

“We have not so much dust as that in London;” replied Fagin; 
pointing from Noah’s shoes to that of his companion and from 
them to the two bundles。 

“Yer a sharp feller;” said Noah。 “Ha! ha! only hear that; 

“Why; one need be sharp in this town; my dear;” replied the 
Jew; sinking his voice to a confidential whisper; “and that’s the 

Fagin followed up this remark by striking the side of his nose 
with his right forefinger—a gesture which Noah attempted to 
imitate; though not with complete success; in consequence of his 

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own nose not being large enough for the purpose。 However; Mr。 
Fagin seemed to interpret the endeavour as expressing a perfect 
coincidence with his opinion; and put about the liquor which 
Barney reappeared with; in a very friendly manner。 

“Good stuff that;” observed Mr。 Claypole; smacking his lips。 

“Dear!” said Fagin。 “A man need be always emptying a till; or a 
pocket; or a woman’s reticule; or a house; or a mail…coach; or a 
bank; if he drinks it regularly。” 

Mr。 Claypole no sooner heard this extract from his own 
remarks than he fell back in his chair; and looked from the Jew to 
Charlotte with a countenance of ashy paleness and excessive 

“Don’t mind me; my dear;” said Fagin; drawing his chair closer。 
“Ha! ha! it was lucky it was only me that heard you by chance。 It 
was very lucky it was only me。” 

“I didn’t take it;” stammered Noah; no longer stretching out his 
legs like an independent gentleman; but coiling them up as well as 
he could under his chair; “it was all her doing: yer’ve got it now; 
Charlotte; yer know yer have。” 

“No matter who’s got it; or who did it; my dear!” replied Fagin; 
glancing; nevertheless; with a hawk’s eye at the girl and the two 
bundles。 “I’m in that way myself; and I li
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