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indian boyhood(尤孩提时代)-第34部分

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     The   most   exciting   event   of   this   year   was   the   attack   that   the   Gros 

Ventres made upon us just as we moved our camp upon the table land back 

of the river in the spring。       We had plenty of meat then and everybody was 


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happy。     The grass was beginning to appear and the ponies to grow fat。 

     One   night   there   was   a   war   dance。    A   few   of   our   young   men   had 

planned   to   invade   the   Gros Ventres   country;   but   it   seemed   that   they   too 

had been thinking of us。          Everybody was interested in the proposed war 


     〃Uncle; are you going too?〃 I eagerly asked him。 

     〃No;〃 he replied; with a long sigh。 〃It is the worst time of year to go on 

the  war…path。      We   shall have  plenty  of   fighting   this   summer;  as   we   are 

going to trench upon their territory in our hunts;〃 he added。 

     The   night   was   clear   and pleasant。     The   war   drum  was   answered   by 

the howls of coyotes on the opposite side of the Mouse river。                 I was in the 

throng; watching the braves who were about to go out in search of glory。 

〃I wish I were old enough; I would surely go with this party;〃 I thought。 

My friend Tatanka was to go。             He was several years older than I; and a 

hero in my eyes。        I watched him as he danced with the rest until nearly 

midnight。      Then   I   came   back   to    our   teepee   and  rolled   myself   in   my 

buffalo robe and was soon lost in sleep。 

     Suddenly I was aroused by loud war cries。              〃'Woo! woo! hay…ay! hay… 

ay! U we do! U we do!'〃 I jumped upon my feet; snatched my bow and 

arrows and rushed out of the teepee; franti… cally yelling as I went。 

     〃Stop! stop!〃 screamed Uncheedah; and caught me by my long hair。 

     By this time the Gros Ventres had encircled our camp; sending volleys 

of arrows and bullets into our midst。           The women were digging ditches in 

which to put their children。 

     My uncle   was   foremost   in   the battle。      The  Sioux   bravely  withstood 

the assault; although several of our men had already fallen。                 Many of the 

enemy were killed in the field around our teepees。                The Sioux at last got 

their ponies and made a counter charge; led by Oyemakasan (my uncle)。 

They cut the Gros Ventre party in two; and drove them off。 

     My     friend  Tatanka     was   killed。   I   took   one   of  his  eagle   feathers; 

thinking I would wear it the first time that I ever went upon the war…path。 

I   thought   I   would   give   anything   for   the   oppor…   tunity   to   go   against   the 

Gros Ventres; because they killed   my  friend。             The war   songs; the   wail… 

ing   for   the  dead;  the  howling   of   the  dogs   was   intolerable   to   me。  Soon 


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after this we broke up our camp and departed for new scenes。 

     III: Wild Harvests 

     WHEN our people lived in Min… nesota; a good part of their natur… al 

subsistence was furnished by the wild rice; which grew abun… dantly in all 

of   that   region。 Around   the   shores   and   all   over   some   of   the   innumerable 

lakes   of   the   〃Land   of   Sky…blue Water〃   was   this   wild   cereal   found。   In… 

deed; some of the watery fields in those days might be compared in extent 

and fruitfulness with the fields of wheat on Minnesota's magnificent farms 


     The wild rice harvesters came in groups of fif… teen to twenty families 

to a lake; depending upon the size of the harvest。                Some of the Indians 

hunted buffalo upon   the prairie  at this season;  but there  were more  who 

preferred to go to the lakes to gather wild rice; fish; gather berries and hunt 

the deer。     There was an abundance of water…fowls among the grain; and 

really no season of the year was happier than this。 

     The   camping…ground   was   usually   an   attractive   spot;   with   shade   and 

cool breezes off the water。         The people; while they pitched their teepees 

upon   the   heights;   if   possible;   for   the   sake   of   a   good   out…   look;   actually 

lived in their canoes upon the placid waters。            The happiest of all; perhaps; 

were the young maidens; who were all day long in their canoes; in twos or 

threes; and when tired of gather… ing the wild cereal; would sit in the boats 

doing their needle…work。 

     These maidens learned to imitate the calls of the different water…fowls 

as a sort of signal to the members of a group。               Even the old women and 

the boys adopted signals; so that while the popu… lation of the village was 

lost   to   sight   in   a   thick   field   of   wild   rice;   a   meeting   could   be   arranged 

without     calling   any    one   by   his  or  her   own    name。     It   was    a  great 

convenience for those young men who sought opportunity to meet certain 

maidens; for there were many canoe paths through the rice。 

     August is the harvest month。           There were many preliminary feasts of 

fish; ducks and veni… son; and offerings in honor of the 〃Water Chief;〃 so 

that   there   might   not   be   any   drowning   accident   during   the   harvest。   The 


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preparation   consisted   of   a   series   of   feasts   and   offerings   for   many   days; 

while    women      and   men    were   making     birch   canoes;    for  nearly   every 

member of the family must be provided with one for this occasion。                    The 

blue… berry and huckleberry…picking also preceded the rice…gathering。 

     There were social events which enlivened the camp of the harvesters; 

such as maidens' feasts; dances and a canoe regatta or two; in which not 

only the men were participants; but women and young girls as well。 

     On   the   appointed   day   all   the   canoes   were   carried   to   the   shore   and 

placed upon the water with prayer and propitiatory offerings。 Each family 

took possession of   the allotted field;  and tied  all the grain in bundles of 

convenient size; al… lowing it to stand for a few days。               Then they again 

entered the lake; assigning two persons to each canoe。               One manipulated 

the paddle; while the foremost one gently drew the heads of each bundle 

toward him and gave it a few strokes with a light rod。                This caused the 

rice to fall into the bottom of the craft。          The field was traversed in this 

manner back and forth until finished。 

     This was the pleasantest and easiest part of the harvest toil。             The real 

work was when they pre… pared the rice for use。                First of all; it must be 

made perfectly dry。        They would spread it upon buffalo robes and mats; 

and sometimes upon lay… ers of coarse swamp grass; and dry it in the sun。 

If   the   time   was   short;   they  would   make   a   scaffold   and   spread   upon  it   a 

certain thickness of the green grass and afterward the rice。               Under this a 

fire was made; taking care that the grass did not catch fire。 

     When all the rice is gathered and dried; the hulling begins。               A round 

hole is dug about two feet deep and the same in diameter。                 Then the rice 

is heated over a fire…place; and emptied into the hole while it is hot。                 A 

young man; having washed his feet and put on a new pair of mocca… sins; 

treads upon it until all is hulled。      The women then pour it upon a robe and 

begin to shake it so that the chaff will be separated by the wind。              Some of 

the rice is browned before being hulled。 

     During the hulling time there were prizes of… fered to the young men 

who can hull quickest and best。           There were sometimes from twenty to 

fifty youths dancing with their feet in these holes。 

     Pretty moccasins were brought by shy maidens to the youths of their 


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choice; asking them to hull rice。            There were daily entertainments which 

de… served some such name as 〃hulling bee〃at any rate; we all enjoyed 

them hugely。        The girls brought with them plenty of good things to eat。 

     When all the rice was prepared for the table; the matter of storing it 

must   be   determined。       Caches   were   dug   by   each   family   in   a   concealed 

spot;   and   carefully   lined   with   dry   grass   and   bark。    Here   they
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